
History of Vancouver, WA

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker-homes for sale in Vancouver, WA

We get a lot of people who are curious about which came first - Vancouver, Washington or Vancouver, British Columbia.

Well, here's a short history of Vancouver, WA:

In 1792 a British Lt. named William Broughton was sailing up the Columbia River and named a point of land Point Vancouver after his commanding officer, Capt. George Vancouver. We don't know if Broughton was just especially fond of George, or just wanted to score some points with his Captain.

In 1806 Lewis and Clark camped nearby on their way back to civilization and Lewis later stated that it was " the only desireable situation for settlement west of the Rocky Mountains". A lot of us here still think that is true.

In 1825 Vancouver became the home of the Hudsons Bay fur trading company and it was called fort Vancouver. A lot of beaver hats started out here.

In 1846 America took control of the Oregon Territory from the British, so Vancouver was now npart of the United States.

In 1857 the city of Vancouver, WA was established. The city of Vancouver, BC was incorporated in 1886, so we were way ahead of them.

By the way, a lot has changed since the 1800's, but this blog is only about who was first and how we came to be the great city that we are.

Posted by

Don Humphrey   Broker

Coldwell Banker

14313 NE 20th Ave;  Suite A104,                                          

Vancouver, WA  98686                          



Don Humphrey                            

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