

Mortgage and Lending with Patagonia Finance

  I was running my 3 mile run on the tredmill yesterday, and there was a show on about people photographing and diving with sharks. These people are crazy! There is no way i will willingly get into the water knowing there are sharks around me. There was one time when i went to Hawaii and this cruise ship I was on let us get into the ocean. There was this huge water trampoline they had us get on, and we had to swim to it in the back of the boat.

I am swimming through the beautiful crystal clear waters of Oahu, and i see a shark! I starting swimming to the boat like there was no tommorrow.  People on the boat were through food in the water like dummies, so it was no wonder why there was a shark around.

Anyways, I started thinking about sharks because i read a blog earlier about a 23 year old selling his subprime clients loans at a minimum cost of 4 points. I can not believe the sharks out there sometimes. All one can hope for is carma.