
Real Estate and the iPhone

Real Estate Agent with eXp Realty RS-63720

Want to have fun and create some new business?

Create an app for the iPhone! I am surprised at how many clients have found me (both new ones and past ones) via their phones.

Check it out and see what you think!

Check out my iPhone app for quick and easy access to Kauai Real Estate via my site:

  Kauai Real Estate - iPhone app from MobileAppLoader, LLC. Search Kauai Properties for Sale! Let Jamie Friedman be Your Kauai Real Estate Connection for Buying and Selling Real Estate ~ homes, land, condos for investment, personal residence, vacation prop...

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Mary Kay Hopkins
Mary Kay Hopkins, LLC e-PRO, GRI, CRS, CRB - Lake Charles, LA

Jamie, having your own iPhone App!  Will have to check more into this. Thanks.

Jul 24, 2010 04:57 PM
Home Loan Search.Online
Home Loan Search Online - Newnan, GA

I'm waiting to see if the iPhone is actually going to go to Verizon. If not it's the Driod for me!

Jul 24, 2010 05:15 PM
Tish Lloyd
BlueCoast Realty Corporation - Wilmington, NC
Broker - Wilmington NC and Surrounding Beaches

Well, aren't you the smart cookie!

Jul 24, 2010 05:22 PM
Steve, Joel & Steve A. Chain
Chain Real Estate Investments & Mortgage, Steve & Joel Chain - Cottonwood, CA


Very excellent. Applying every method for clients to easily find you in the ways (and places) they are looking.


Jul 24, 2010 06:05 PM
Roland Woodworth
Blue Cord Realty - Clarksville, TN
Benchmark Realty

Pretty interesting Jamie.  I have the Droid.  How would I creat an app like this ?

Jul 27, 2010 07:29 PM
Jamie Friedman
eXp Realty - Kapaa, HI
Kauai Real Estate Connection

Aloha All, Thanks for your comments!  Roland, the company I used doesn't appear to offer services for other phones, but I just google create app for droid and a bunch of options came up (that's how I found the iPhone app creater site). Sorry, wich I had a better answer.

Jul 27, 2010 07:36 PM