
How to Increase Business and Enjoy it.

Real Estate Agent with Coldwell Banker-homes for sale in Vancouver, WA

Ever wonder why it is that just as we are ready to leave on vacation we the phone rings and clients start coming out of the woodwork?

Well a friend of mine who practices feng shui explaines it this way. When you are getting ready leave for a while, you start cleanig up all of your loose ends and clean up your desks, make those calls to get everything lined up correctly and basically get everthing neat and in order.

So what happens, according to feng shui-ness, is that now those clogged up channels are opened up to allow the new stuff in.

So here is what I do. I pretend that i am going on vacation, call people and tll them so, book a hotel room in a nice resort and clean everything up. Then wait for the phone calls to start pouring in. If no calls come in then i just go on the vacation- might as well since nobodies calling anyway.

Posted by

Don Humphrey   Broker

Coldwell Banker

14313 NE 20th Ave;  Suite A104,                                          

Vancouver, WA  98686                          



Don Humphrey                            

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German Panzica
Centerline Homes - Vero Beach, FL

sounds like a great strategy.  It always happens to me.  I go out of town or take a day off and that's when people appear and are ready to purchase.  go figure!  I'll have to try it.  thanks for sharing.

Jul 26, 2010 06:53 AM
Dawnita Griffith
Meadow Lake Real Estate, LLC - Pinedale, WY
It does matter who you hire.

I love it!!  Didn't expect that ending, got a chuckle.  Good for you and I plan to follow that way of thinking.

Jul 26, 2010 06:53 AM
Al Raymondi
Ocean View Realty Group in Ormond By The Sea Florida - Ormond Beach, FL
Ormond By The Sea Florida - Home and Condo Sales

Sounds like a great plan Don, Think I'll give it a try.

Jul 26, 2010 06:56 AM
Don MacLean
New England Real Estate Center Inc. - Easton, MA
Realtor-Homes for Sale- Easton, Mass 02356

Sounds like a great idea

Next time you book a vacation and your phone rings, call us and we'll take the room you already paid for.

You won't mine you'll be busy

Enjoy the day

Jul 26, 2010 07:07 AM
John Howard
Century 21 LeMac Realty - Mountain Home, AR
GRI, Mountain Home, Arkansas 870-404-3614

Don,  Sounds like a great attitude....I do know what you mean about the extra calls when trying to get out of town.  Have a Great Week!

Jul 26, 2010 07:11 AM
Don Humphrey
Coldwell Banker-homes for sale in Vancouver, WA - Vancouver, WA
Coldwell Banker

Thanks for your comments. The only trouble I have with this plan is I can't afford all those vacations if the phone isn't ringing.

Jul 26, 2010 08:30 AM