As we mentioned in our three-part series on Craigslist, (see Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) Best Agent Business is Johnny-on-the-spot for posting listings to this free site, as often as you want (up to the site maximum). What if you want a more proactive approach? Craigslist Advanced is a new approach to posting to Craigslist. The goal is to generate more buyer leads. We anticipate seeing leads costing $10 or less, and turning those leads into active buyers.
The short version: We create a series of "campaigns," - what we call "general ads"- that directly leads to a landing page, where respondants fill out their personal information (Name, Phone & Email). These leads are then emailed directly to the client, and a software program tracks not only how many clicks there were to that site, but also how many "live" leads have actually been created. The agents are then responsible for contacting the leads.
Kick Off - Sign up for Craigslist Advanced, and our Craigslist team will create a landing page for leads to complete information that is tracked, and sent directly to our clients for them to take action. Kick off right now is about five (5) hours, (which includes a 30 minute kick off call) with complete set-up of all necessary information. Once the initial kick off is complete, 1-2 hours per week of posting time is required.
Implementing the Campaign - Once all information is received and the sites are ready to go, our Craigslist Team begins "implementing the campaign.» This is simply starting the posting process to Craigslist. We post twice daily Monday thru Friday, at designated times that are geared toward receiving the highest rate of response. Our team also posts daily on Saturdays and Sundays to increase traffic (i.e., leads to the landing page).
Re-Posting - Once the initial campaigns are in place, our team begins the "re-post" process. What this means is, we go to the oldest post, delete it, and then re-post it. This keeps the ads fresh, and in the line of potential leads' eyes. This process goes on continuously, seven days a week. We have an amazing team trained to keep this going.
Follow-Up - Once the leads are coming in, our Best Agent Business Client Services team can contact the agents/clients, to ensure that they are receiving their leads. If they are not, our Craigslist team is alerted; we will research to find out why, and resolve the problem.
If you want to take your marketing up a notch, Craigslist Advanced might be for you. Take a moment today to schedule a 30-minute call with Steve Kantor; learn how a part-time virtual assistant can transform your business, and allow you to try new things with little start-up cost. Interested in a part-time career with us? Visit our website for more information on how to apply.
Thank you for this GREAT information. I was advised of a similar program when I took a class in AZ several years ago hosted by my rental website. I created a Excel spreadsheet for my posting schedule of listings and often double up listings day/day with my website html and a postlet ad....Deleating older ads are KEY to an effective process!
Glad you liked this, Wallace, and found it useful. Appreciate your tips too.
I'm bookmarking all 3 of these blogs, Steve. Planning to print them out and give to my secretary....THANK YOU!
Great, Chris, thanks.. Actually, there are 4 parts of our recent Craigslist series, plus a couple previous ones we did. (Don't want you to miss anything!) Craigslist processing is a popular service among our clients for good reason.
If you or anyone else yo kow needs an help porcessing these leads, send them our way.
Sounds very interesting -- thanks for sharing! I recently stepped up my Craigslist marketing and it is amazing how much traffic (and leads) it can drive back to your website / landing page.
I am definitely going to check out Part 1 and 2.
Thanks, Kerry. Many agents have had the same experience, which is why we promote it so highly. Good luck. Let us know if we can help.