In this age of technology, it is not always necessary for a buyers agents to do a formal presentation of an offer. In many markets this can be accomplished by faxing or e-mailing over the contract.
Some agents feel the need to present their offers to the sellers in person in order to give a biography of the buyer. I have even gotten a two page letter outlining the "here's your life" story of the buyer.
In most instances knowing the background of the buyer does not make a difference to anyone. What really matters is the offer, qualification and closing date. Usually this biography is used to sugar coat what is really a low offer. The agent thinks that by giving you a heart warming story you will some how feel the need to lower your price by $20,000. It never works.
In the long run its better to skip the long winded story and present a fair offer based on what you willing and can pay for the house. If it is a low offer, better to explain why you think this offer is fair based on the condition of the home or location than use smoke and mirrors.
Honesty is the best policy. Be up front about your offer, don't hide behind a touching story.