
Keywords and Tags - Do Less, Get More

Services for Real Estate Pros with MyST Technology Partners

I see blog posts everywhere and they have really long lists of keyword tags in hopes of ranking high for all of them. Burying your posts with more than a half dozen tags is really dumb because it actually hurts your ability to obtain better search recommendations. It sends a signal to indexing crawlers that this post is about a lot of different subjects; that just makes it harder for the engines to determine a highly relevant category for your information.

Think about it - the best ranks are achieved on blog posts (and content) that are about very focused subjects. Indeed, if you write an article about one thing, you are many times more likely to see a good ranking for the subject of that post. Keywords are equally effective at zeroing in on a specific subject - the more keywords you have, the more likely your post covers many subjects instead of just one.

This is such an important issue that we instrumented our own Blogsite system to flag any post with more than ten tags in it. We actually send out a quality assurance notice when authors cross this arbitrary boundary.

Here's a good rule - if you can't tag your post with five terms or less and feel comfortable that you hit the high points, then your post is probably not focused enough.

Try doing less work, you might be surprised at how much more effective your weblog will be. ;-)

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Ken Smith
Suburban House Hunters - Arlington Heights, IL
I have tried to get people to clean up their tags in the past. Some did and some probably thought I was nuts. Good to see it brought up again.
Oct 31, 2006 08:48 AM
Bill French
MyST Technology Partners - Dillon, CO

Key -

"...some probably thought I was nuts."

Well, you may *be* nuts, but not because of this post. ;-)


Oct 31, 2006 09:15 AM
Pete Willner
Broker Direct Real Estate - Murrieta, CA
Great info and good to see it posted, I think after running a few searches and viewing the results even those who don't get it will get it.

Pete Willner
Who Will? Pete Will!

Broker Direct Real Estate
Murrieta, CA.
Oct 31, 2006 01:12 PM
Ken Smith
Suburban House Hunters - Arlington Heights, IL
Bill I probably am a little nuts, aren't we all?
Nov 01, 2006 02:08 AM
Bill French
MyST Technology Partners - Dillon, CO
Yes, we are all a bit nuts - but not as crazy as some (I hope). ;-)
Nov 01, 2006 02:27 AM
Phil Leng
Retired - Kirkland, WA
Phil Leng - Retired

Hi Bill,

I am trying to figure this whole "tag" thing out. So your post is very helpful in my quest.

Thanks for sharing it


Dec 16, 2010 08:58 PM
Tere Cardenas
RE/MAX Alliance - Denver, CO
MBA - Colorado

Your advice is nice-n-easy. Thanks!

Oct 29, 2011 10:18 PM