If you or your clients are sprucing up the yard for a future sale and you find that a tree or two that were healthy last year look like they are dead now, hold on a second.
We have a momosa tree that didn't leaf out this spring and looked dead and were even told by an amature landscaper that it was dead. However, it is doing great now and we are glad we didn't follow his direction and chop it down.
A friend whom is a realtor and owns a nursury says that whenever there is a drastic change in the weather ( we had one of the wettest springs ever) certain trees will skip a year of growing leaves, but will be alright next year. If you think a tree is dead, just scrape a little bark off and if it is green or yellow underneath,it's ok, just waiting until next year to bloom.
Mature trees can add value and salability to the property and it would be a shame to cut one down if it isn't necessary.
Just doing my community service.