Everyone runs into it at some point or another. Whether it comes to creating a new marketing campaign, developing a new promotion, or even writing a new blog post, sometimes creativity can not be found, no matter how hard we try. So, to help get those creative juices flowing, here are 5 tips commonly used to trigger creativity to unlock your next creative idea.
1. Write An Outline: Let’s face it: it can be pretty difficult to keep all of your creative ideas in an organized manner. I know personally that when I have a creative idea, it has a tendency of generating additional ideas to complement it. Of course, everything is chaotic and completely unorganized when ideas initially come in my head. So, to help create a smooth flow and a sense of organization, think about writing all of your ideas into an outline. That way, when you turn your idea into reality, you’ll know exactly what order will be the most effective to present it in.
2. Collaborate with Others: If you are having problems coming up with creative idea, why not go to others? Creating collaborative environments where you can pool ideas together is a fantastic way to generate ideas. Since everyone thinks about things in unique manners, it’s a fantastic way to generate unique and creative thoughts.
3. Keep A Journal: Many people do not think about it, because they think life is so passive and ordinary. One thing to keep in mind though is something you consider ordinary may be considered amazing to someone else. That being said, a good way to generate creative ideas is just to record everything that happens to you on a daily basis into a journal. It’s inevitable that you will run into some kind of obscure event or situation, which could lead a a great creative idea.
4. Change An Angle: Oddly enough, the most ordinary idea can be turned into something very creative by just re-creating it from a different angle or perspective. So, if you have an idea you really want to work with but know it’s very plain and boring, thinking about taking that idea and presenting it from a unique perspective.
5. Take a Break: I can personally attest this as being a great way to generate ideas. There are times when no matter how hard you try to come up with a creative idea, you just can’t come up with anything. When times like these arise, one of the best things you can do to come up with something creative is to just stop thinking about it. Take a break from thinking about it for at least 15 minutes and then try again. You wouldn’t believe how much easier it can be to come up with something creative if you just take a little break.