
Streaming Video - In Demand - Affordable & Effective When Marketing!

Real Estate Agent with Exit Realty

We all know that we have a digital life. Who here does not:

  • Take pictures or videos with their cell phones?
  • Download music?
  • Has a digital camera?
  • Sends emails?
  • Uses a PDA?
  • Surfs the web?

Do you remember when the cell phones use to look like this?


If I told you that this same phone would become AFFORDABLE to the masses, and would be able to basically replace your: camera, walkman (we did not have ipods back then), address book/rolodex & your video camera, would you have believed me? Better yet, would you have invested money into my company?

We all know that technology has completely changed our lives & the way we communicate.

Our Cell phones now look like this and has all the capabilities that I just mentioned, but now you can: surf the web, view stocks, use a GPS (map where you are going), check the whether, send text, share pictures and videos, take notes and use an interactive calendar.


or even below..  How many of you sport the Bluetooth Head Piece, walking down the street looking like you talk to yourself?  It would seem weird if you were the only one, but I see people in their car's talking to themselves, jogging, walking in the mall, etc..  it has become the norm, we now know they are buesiness people on the phone!

   We look like we are in the Jetson's era!

How about the power of television at the palm of your hand, did I forgot to mention that you can watch shows, videos & movies, this is just to give you an example of our DIGITAL WORLD we live in.

The funny thing about the pyridine shift in our digital usage, is we do not even know that it is happening. Did you know that the rating on TV has gone down, because the rating on the internet have gone up? The hunger for more knowledge by the people has grown significantly.  No longer do we wait to see what the news has to tell us, we log on to the computer and watch news from individuals like you and me, and see what is really going on!

Our consumers today are more knowledgeable about what they want and what is available to them. Thanks to the internet, our consumers are doing their own research and are less likely to rely on you for the full information. For example, when my husband bought his new truck, I went on line, found a site and input my query (exactly what I was looking for), the site submitted my information to several local dealers and they would contact me. Now, some of the dealerships had some of the options we were looking for, however, because of the power of the internet, I knew there were 2 more vehicles available with all our options for the same price. Who do you think got the sale? Was I prepared? YES! Did I rely solely on the car salesman? NO!

As a realtor, my greatest form of advertisement, I've found, to reach the masses is the internet. If I use traditional magazines, newspapers, mail outs, I limit my viewing audience to a specific geographical area. If I use my own website, and place several ads ON LINE, I now have the ability to reach a GLOBAL audience and not just of a specific geographical area.

Well, today I am going to show you how to reach BEYOND your wildest dreams. What if I told you that I have technology that is ahead of its time, ahead of your competition and is already globally available, would you try it out, would you believe it (kind of like the original cell phone)?

Well, today I have used (as a Realtor, as a Mother as a Consumer) the following products, and just like the cell phone, it has changed my life.

  • Live Video Broadcasting (with private or public viewing, can add pay per view, can post on a web channel)
  • Video Email (with custom banners)
  • Video Blog
  • Video IM (up to 5 people)
  • Podcast (with rss feed)
  • On Line Social Networking
  • Media Storage Vault

Let me break it down for you.

Live Video Broadcast-can you image the power of sitting at an open house, and literally have viewers from all over the country watch. A realtor is Las Vegas has perfected this tool, and literally had 4 contracts when broadcasting her Open House, not only live on the internet, but posted it FREE on a web-station that allowed viewers to know she had a live show on the air.


View a Realtor's Video Email, CLICK HERE or CLICK HERE

View A Mtg. Broker's Video Email, CLICK HERE

Video Blogs: Post your virtual tours, keep an on line journal for people to viewPodcast: Post New listings, allow your clients to subscribe to your podcast, every time you add a new home, they will automatically have the new ad sent to them.

My last question to you is, how much is this worth to you. Our direct competitor charges hundreds of dollars a month for just a one portion of our features. What if I told you it was only $9.95, no contracts, no set up fees, no hidden charges. All you need is your computer and a webcam (you don't need a very fancy webcam, your local $19.99-$29.99 logitech webcam will do just fine)!

Want to sign up for the service, CLICK HERE  just click on the flag of your choice, then click on become a customer. 

Want to learn how you can diversify your income, without jeopardizing your current stream of income, go to: and learn how you can leverage your time and diversify your income WHILE promoting your current business and cutting your marketing expenses while staying WAY AHEAD of your competition!

We all know that the digital age is upon us. Streaming video is EVERYWHERE, now you can have the tools to take your business to the next level!





Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495

Edy, thanks for an excellent, informative blog post!

Mike in Tucson

Aug 19, 2007 01:07 AM
Edy Garcia
Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

I am glad you enjoyed this one.  Our seminar was a huge success, and I am very excited to get the word out about these products as they have a wonderful vision for the future and I can't wait to be apart of it.

I don't currently have any clients in the AZ area, however, I look forward to networking with you and definately will keep you in mind if I have any clients going your way!!

Its been a pleasure, have a great day!

Aug 19, 2007 01:23 AM
Seth Callen
Farmers Insurance - Lawton, OK
Very informative post.  Thank you.
Aug 19, 2007 02:15 AM
Edy Garcia
Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

Hello Seth,

Well I just came from your website, and I applaud you on a well put together site.  I also visited your previous blogs and saw your inquiries on marketing, I am glad that you have seen what we have to offer.

Can you image the power of your own show.  How about a weekly show about 1st time home buyers, or a show on educating the public on the current market conditions & rates.  How about a show on how to avoid foreclosures and educating the public on risky loans that can create headaches for them in the future.. 

Who do you think they are going to call when they purchase a home, refinance a home, or recommend a broker to a friend or family member?  The person who has kept them informed, the person they feel truly has their best interest at heart.

Not only can you have your own show, you can personalize your emails with video email to actually "speak" to your client, have them "see & hear" you prior to you ever meeting them!  That speaks volume!

Only $9.95/mo, effective, affordable, and definitely cutting edge.  You've done your research on marketing and its effectiveness..  Can you honestly say that you've seen anything of this calabor for this price?  Sign up today at view the presentation video on the site, contact me if you have any questions!

Thanks For Your Comment


Aug 19, 2007 03:23 AM
Try and   They are both video email programs and both FREE!
Aug 20, 2007 12:48 AM
Edy Garcia
Exit Realty - Jupiter, FL

Water is free, yet we all purchase bottled water.  Why?  Because of the quality.  The better the quality, the more expensive the water. 

We just happen to have qaulity products, that are not expensive and NO ONE has (NO ONE) has all the that we have in one unique suite:

  • LIVE VIDEO BROADCAST (with guest speakers, pay per view, public or private veiwing, interactive slides, polling capabilities, text chat, sites stats & can be archived..  That alone costs BIG companies hundreds to thousands of dollars a month, here its only $9.95)
  • Video Conference (Up to 5 people, again public or private)
  • Video IM
  • Media Storage Vault
  • Solcial Networking Page
  • Video Blogs

All this for $9.95.  I respect that you are aware of whats out there, I just suggest that you look at our products and you will see that there is NO ONE out there at the moment that can come close to what we offer, for the price we offer and can take your business to the next level, while cutting marketing cost and gaining exposure like NEVER seen before!

Thanks for your comment, I hope you found this information helpful to you!

Edy Garcia


Aug 20, 2007 02:13 AM