
OK Mr. President..You bailed out the banks....

Managing Real Estate Broker with APEX Properties 471.018660

...NOW you need to "persuade" them to lend money for mortgages!!!

Just because the banks screwed up royally buy giving a mortgage to anyone with a pulse a few years back (HECK, I think my dog was pre-approved for a mortgage!), in addition to giving them 110% of the (assumed) value, doesn't mean that they have to adopt this complete sense of "paranoia" while evaluating a consumer for a mortgage loan!   We as agents are losing buyers left and right..GOOD BUYERS..because of this.  In our area, inventory continues to increase, yet the percentage of closings vs. the influx of new inventory continues to be substantially low. 

It is understood that there is criteria that needs to be followed by the lending institutions, but they need to be smart about how they lend, YET..lighten up a giving limbs and first borns as collateral is getting old!!

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Pat Champion
John Roberts Realty - Eustis, FL
Call the "CHAMPION" for all your real estate needs

I'm with you on this the banks should have completed there homework a few years back then maybe we wouldn't be in this mess today.

Aug 05, 2010 05:38 AM