In short, a viral video is a video which gets widespread popularity throughout various online (social networks, email, instant messaging, etc.) and mobile devices. But what defines a viral viewing? According to research conglomerate Millward Brown, a high viral viewing consists of a video receiving more than 1,000 U.K. or 5,000 U.S. views per week.
And how do you create a viral video? In a ‘Face the Nation’ interview with Jennifer Feikin (director of Google Video), she states the following:
“You can’t just create a viral video. It needs to be very organic; it needs to be grassroots; it needs to be very real; and users will realize what’s real and what’s not.”
That being said, here is this week’s viral video. Watch it, analyze it, and think about how you can utilize the characteristics from this video to help make your own videos become viral.
Theme: Karaoke
Viral Video 1: “The Climb” [Karaoke / Instrumental]
Views As Of This Posting: 9,676,086
Published On: April 1, 2009
Viral Video 2: Everytime we touch karaoke
Views As Of This Posting: 6,529,779
Published On: October 2, 2006
Viral Video 3: Heather Martin – When Are You Coming Home
Views As Of This Posting: 5,107,607
Published On: November 19, 2006