Sergio's "No Speed Limit" 7K Walk n' Run (In support of the Odette Cancer Centre, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)
Dear Friends, Family & Colleagues,
As many of you are aware, I was diagnosed with cancer in March 2009, have had surgery, treatment, and recovering well. During the early days of diagnoses I was shocked and completely caught off guard for the toll such an illness could take. I consider myself fortunate. Since the symptoms related to this cancer were subtle; it could have been completely overlooked, if not for a few chance events which led to a doctor's visit.
I was treated at Toronto's Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre under the care of Dr. Laurence Klotz and the Odette Cancer Centre. A world class team of truly dedicated and compassionate people.
I promised myself that I would campaign for awareness by openly sharing my story; making others aware and encourage all to be tested, and to raise financial support to the cause and this great medical facility. In keeping with this plan, I've organized my first annual run and walk for August 22nd, an ‘invitational only' happening for friends, family and clients, and no fund raising requirements for the invitee.
A little different concept, yes! But so am I. My plan is to personally donate a sum for each person who attends and completes the distance (So your attendance is very important and will determine the amount I donate). I will also rely on local business support to subsidize some of the event costs with the remaining funds added to my own contributions.
There will be a victory BBQ lunch at the finish line and opportunity to mingle with remarkable individuals, from cancer survivors, local media (newspaper and television), to healthcare professionals. I'm personally inviting you to help me in this effort to raise awareness and donate to the Odette Cancer Centre.
A suggested support amount of $ 12.50 per shirt would be greatly appreciated. I will send you a sizing chart once you have confirmed. (Please make cheques payable to Sergio De Pinto) Please contact me by phone or email no later than July 12th, 2010 to confirm your participation. I'm counting on your support,
Sergio De Pinto