2nd Place - Chris Legguist 2nd Place 1,000 points and featured on AR
Chris, similar to Diane's, your post was also gentle on the eye and beautifully designed. I like your intro and the theme of sharing small personal antidotes as to why each blog you chose is relevant today.
3rd Place - Ann Cummings 3rd place 750 points and featured on AR.
Ann, thanks for taking us on the journey of your journey---good lure! Excellent commentary on the three blogs you chose, and kudos to venturing into the unknown.
- all those that entered and did not win bonus points --- you will be each getting 200 points!!!
- And we cannot forget our judges and the inspiration for this contest -- Laurie Manny - 500 points for their effort!
Thank you to the Contest Judges were:
- Jonathan Washburn - ActiveRain
- Colleen Kulikowski - Orlando Avenue & Celebration Florida Homes
- John Novak - Henderson NV
- Carole Cohen - Cleveland Real Estate and News
- janeAnn Narrin - Building Bridges to the Future
- and we have a special outside Blogger judging -- Toby Bloomberg of Diva Marketing Blog