
Blame It On The Rain, Yeah, Yeah!

Real Estate Agent with North Orange County CA Real Estate Specialists BRE# 01277795

Blame It On 'The Rain', Yeah, Yeah!

Yes- I do love 80's music! Even bad 80's music that exposed the supposed artists for lip syncing.

But I digress- my post today is about Active Rain and how I believe it is to "blame" for something HUGE!

Actually, I think it is a combination of Active Rain and the incredible real estate professionals that fraternize and socialize on Active Rain, that has made the difference.

You see, I recently wrote a blog about how animals are being abandoned and relinquished due to the economic crisis and the overwhelming amount of families that are losing their homes to foreclosure. In this post, I asked for everyone to help by simply clicking on each day, which funds bowls of food and supplies through corporate donations.

Well, guess what?

No, you'll never guess. I'll just tell you.

Great news!! The numbers have increased, particularly on the weekend, which had dropped off considerably over the past year. As you'll see below, Saturday and Sunday clicks are up over 100,000. Weekends were previously averaging 75-80,000 prior to my Active Rain blog.

This graph shows how Active Rain and all of you (in my opinion) are responsible for more shelter animals being fed and kept alive! Yeaaaaaaaaaaah!
Animal Rescue Site Graph
Now, I have no proof that the increase is coming from everyone on Active Rain, but it's just too coincidental that the numbers jumped shortly after my blog was posted, don't ya think?

So, I want to thank everyone, from the bottom of my heart, who has taken the time to make a difference, and potentially saved an innocent animal from being euthanized! YOU ROCK and you should be proud of yourself!!

I don't know about you, but I'm going to continue to Blame It On 'The Rain'- that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!


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There's power in the "Rain" of that you can be sure!

Aug 10, 2010 01:07 PM
Mary Macy
Top Agents Atlanta Metro - Roswell, GA
Top Agents Atlanta Metro

Dogs are People too!!!!  You just have to know that dogs are people, here is my friend and Yes I thank God every day that she was added to my life and brings joy and laughter to me.  Dogs Rock!!!!!!  I rescued her 5 years ago and have never ever felt that I was mistaken.  I need to rescue a new friend for her soon, she is getting to spoiled!!!

Real Estate Dog

Aug 10, 2010 01:59 PM