
FLORIDA EVENTS: First Annual Super Boat Thunder On Cocoa Beach - August 20-22nd

Real Estate Agent with Oikos Realty, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach Florida

There will be plenty to see and do August 20-22nd when the Super Boats come to Cocoa Beach. Come down early if you're going to Rain Camp in Orlando on the 24th and take in some Thunder on the Beach!

Thunder on the Beach

Thunder on the Beach


1st Annual Super Boat Thunder On the Beach ~ Cocoa Beach

Scheduled events start August 20 – 22nd


August 20, 2010 (Friday)
9am-5pm Registration: Race Village – Dave Nisbet Dr.
9am-5pm Inspection: Race Village
9am-6pm Powerboats and Race Teams in Dry Pits : Race Village
11am-5pm Press Credential: Race Village
4pm-9pm Live Music: The Cove
6pm-9pm VIP / Meet the Racers: Milliken’s Reef – 683 Dave Nisbet Dr.
6pm-9pm Racers Party: Milliken’s Reef – 683 Dave Nisbet Dr.
August 21, 2010 (Saturday)
9am Mandatory Drivers Meeting: Fishlips Downstairs – 610 Glen Cheek Dr.
9am-5pm Powerboats and Race Teams  In Dry Pits: Race Village
10am-5pm Registration: Race Village
10am-5pm Inspection: Race Village
12pm-4pm Launching: Race Village- Fishlips
12pm-5pm Testing: As per the SBIP Rulebook
11am-5pm Press Credentials: Race Village
12pm-9pm Live Music: The Cove- Dave Nisbet Dr.
7pm-8pm Meet the Racers: Fishlips Downstairs – 610 Glen Creek Dr.
8:30pm-10pm Racers Party: Fishlips – 610 Glen Creek Dr.
August 22, 2010 (Sunday) – Race Day
7:30am-8:30am Physicals: Fishlips – Downstairs
8am-9am Press Credentials:  Race Village
9am-4pm Launching: Race Village – Fishlips
9am Mandatory Drivers Meeting: Fishlips Downstairs
9am-4pm Powerboats in Dry Pits: Race Village
10:45am Boats of First Race Proceed to Milling Area-Cocoa Beach
11am Start of 1st. Race
Boats of Second Race Proceed to Milling Area-Cocoa Beach
1pm Start of 2nd Race
5pm Awards Presentation: The Cove – Dave Nisbet Dr.
Racers and Fans experience the Ultimate Thrill of Offshore Racing
Spectators can see the boats and talk to the teams up close at the Race Village
START / FINISH LINE – The Inn Cocoa Beach
Turn #1 Lori Wilson Park   *   Turn #2 Cocoa Beach Pier

Super Boats

Have some Fun in the Sun!

Cocoa Beach Homes

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These photos are copyright (c), all rights reserved and may not be used or reproduced without permission from John Mayer. Permission can granted with a link back to my website and / or blog, providing the site is appropriate for everyone. Photographs are a great way to share the world. Thank you for viewing.

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Paul Peck
Peck Drywall and Painting serving Brevard County, Florida - Melbourne, FL
Licensed Drywall and Painting Contractor


I heard something about the

1st Annual Super Boat Thunder On the Beach ~ Cocoa Beach on the radio the other day.But I didn't catch any of the info.

Thank you for posting all of this information. I hope I can make it.


Aug 10, 2010 02:13 PM
John Mayer
Oikos Realty, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach Florida - Cocoa Beach, FL
Your Beach Area Expert

Paul - It should be awesome! Maybe we can hook up if you can make it. Are you going to Rain Camp in Orlando?

Aug 10, 2010 02:18 PM
Carol Zingone
Berkshire Hathaway Home Services Florida Network Realty - Jacksonville Beach, FL
Global Realtor in Jax Beach, FL - ABR, CRS, CIPS

Sounds like  a lot of fun! I'm ll be in Orlando for Florida Realtors Sat, but maybe next year!

Aug 10, 2010 10:48 PM
Karen Kruschka
RE/MAX Executives - Woodbridge, VA
- "My Experience Isn't Expensive - It's PRICELESS"

John  I'm not a fan of speedboat racing, but this will be an exciting event - excellent post

Aug 11, 2010 01:13 AM
John Mayer
Oikos Realty, Cape Canaveral, Cocoa Beach Florida - Cocoa Beach, FL
Your Beach Area Expert

Carol - Too bad you'll miss it but there are lots of other things to do in the Sunshine State.

Thanks Karen - The noise and power are what get people excited at these events. I've gone 70 mph on a Sea Doo but off shore boats are totally different.

Aug 11, 2010 02:36 AM

I'm in Merritt Island and will be happy to attend.

Aug 18, 2010 02:46 PM

Used to work the rescue boats for years in the Keys for all the races. You havn't seen anything until you see them coming at you while you're sitting at the turns waiting in case they wipe out and seeing them pass by. They're big, beautiful, loud and FAST!

Aug 21, 2010 03:45 AM