
Jonesville Michigan Real Estate

Real Estate Broker/Owner with North Sky Realty LLC 6502410580

Jonesville Michigan Real EstateIf one is interested in living in a proud community, one should consider investing in Jonesville Michigan Real EstateJonesville is located on the US-12 Heritage Trail from Chicago to Detroit known to settlers as the ‘Sauk Trail'.  

Jonesville Michigan Real Estate is in south central Michigan's Hillsdale County, and it comprises a thriving small community.  Jonesville Michigan Real EstateJonesville is just minutes north of the distinguished Hillsdale College and twenty-two miles west of the Michigan International Speedway.

When you live there, and own Jonesville Michigan Real Estate, you can enjoy over 300 holes of golf, catch a community play at the Sauk Theatre, tour the historic Grosvenor House Museum and dine at an array of local restaurants. 

On the third weekend in May each year, you can attend the celebration of Jonesville's Annual Riverfest!  Boasting a growing population of 2,500, Jonesville Michigan Real Estate is waiting to for you! 

It is a charming community, with a proud heritage of having built andJonesville Michigan Real Estate manufactured the ‘Deal Auto'.  The Deal Buggy factory was established in 1865 by J.J. Deal, with eight to twelve employees. It was later operated by his son, George V. Deal.  In 1906, over 100 persons were employed in this factory, having a profound impact on Jonesville Michigan Real Estate in its day. 

The factory manufactured buggies, wagons, cutters and later entered the automobile industJonesville Michigan Real Estatery.   The Village of Jonesville is fortunate to this day to have retained some examples of the factory`s products with the 1907 Deal auto, on display in the Town Hall window. 

So taking advantage of Jonesville Michigan Real Estate is a great way to explore life in a rural community.  As a Realtor, I often have buyers looking for rural property.  Jonesville Michigan Real Estate qualifies for the Rural Development financing program from the USDA, which offers 100% financing to first time home buyers.  This is a great program and it benefits Jonesville Michigan Real Estate, as that is what the program was founded to do. 

So if you are interested in finding out more about Jonesville Michigan Real Estate, you can search properties on my website at:

Jonesville Michigan Real Estate

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Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Michael ~  Looks like a great place to call home!

Aug 12, 2010 06:01 PM