People are becoming more particular when it comes to choosing their mortgage broker. Mortgage brokers in Canada currently write about 33% of the total mortgage business, while in the U.S. mortgage brokers write closer to 85 per cent. It would only make sense that the need and advantages of using a mortgage broker will grow. A mortgage broker can often get you a better deal without you having to spend the time going from bank to bank and having to negogiate for the best rate. Canadian mortgage brokers make the mortgage process simple by often offering a low-stress straight forward alternative to borrowing from a bank. Banks and other lenders are much more competitive today, but a more serious threat may be the arrival of new people into the business. While the mortgage broker industry is absorbing a higher than average amount of newcomers, the mortgage consultant industry is also trying to develop an advice-based relationship with its clientele as opposed to a focus strictly on providing the best rate today. Getting GOOD advice and working with an attentive mortgage broker is paramount, given that the other lenders including the big banks, credit unions and alternative financial institutions will routinely offer competitive mortgage rates. It's important for borrowers to question their mortgage consultant, just as they would a prospective real estate agent or any other professional they may employ. Clients can lead the mortgage consultant by having an idea of their home buying objectives and mortgage payments that they feel they can afford. It’s up me, as a mortgage broker to prove that I'm better than a your local bank branch lender.
I'm a mortgage broker located in Vancouver area of BC.