I love to keep my mind fresh and I am always up for a brain teaser during the middle of my work day! I've found that brain teasers keep the motors turning in my brain on slow days and keep my mind fresh on busy days.
Here are a couple Brain Teasers for you:
1. A man is smiling while pushing his car past a motel and then 2 more hotels and gives a big sigh of relief....WHY?
2. Fred and Mary are found dead in the kitchen with shattered glass and water all over the floor...What Happend?
3. A very short man lives on the 10th floor of his building. He takes the elevator down every morning to go to work. When he returns, if it is sunny, he takes the elevator to the 6th floor and takes the stairs for the next 4 floors to his apartment. If it is a rainy day, he takes the elevator all the way up to the 10th floor. WHY?
Post your Guesses to any of these brain teasers!