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I love to keep my mind fresh and I am always up for a brain teaser during the middle of my work day!  I've found that brain teasers keep the motors turning in my brain on slow days and keep my mind fresh on busy days.


Here are a couple Brain Teasers for you:


1.   A man is smiling while pushing his car past a motel and then 2 more hotels and gives a big sigh of relief....WHY?


2.  Fred and Mary are found dead in the kitchen with shattered glass and water all over the floor...What Happend?


3.  A very short man lives on the 10th floor of his building.  He takes the elevator down every morning to go to work.  When he returns,  if it is sunny, he takes the elevator to the 6th floor and takes the stairs for the next 4 floors to his apartment.  If it is a rainy day, he takes the elevator all the way up to the 10th floor.   WHY?


Post your Guesses to any of these brain teasers!




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Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
The man is now far enough away from his wife that he can start the car and strand her, without waking her up? I know I'm on the right track here, but don't tell my wife! ;-P

Fred and Mary are goldfish

The stairs are on the outside of the building and he does't want to get wet?

Yeah,Ok, so maybe I only got points for one.

But I got one for you,

A ten digit number.
The first digit defines how many "0's" are in the number.
The second digit defines how many "1's" are in the number.
So on untill the tenth digit defines how many "9's" are in the number.

This only has one clean answer, that fills all ten digits, and follows all of the above rules.
Aug 20, 2007 01:17 PM
Colleen Spence
Realty Express Services - Buffalo, NY

Hi Michael,

Your answers to my brain teasers are not quite correct, but I do enjoy your creative answers!

 Your Brain Teaser was:

A ten digit number.
The first digit defines how many "0's" are in the number.
The second digit defines how many "1's" are in the number.
So on untill the tenth digit defines how many "9's" are in the number.

I believe the answer to your brain teaser is:  8,000,000,010

Am I correct?  What's my prize!


-Colleen =) 

Aug 20, 2007 01:34 PM
Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
Nope, That second digit says zero "1's"

Good Luck!

Thanks for trying.

They aren't golfish? I thought I had that one.
Aug 20, 2007 01:42 PM
Colleen Spence
Realty Express Services - Buffalo, NY

Awe...I guess my brain isn't very fresh today!

Ok, how about this number:  6,210,001,000




Aug 20, 2007 02:04 PM
Colleen Spence
Realty Express Services - Buffalo, NY

OH Sorry Michael,

Your Answer to the #2 Brain Teaser is CORRECT....They are Goldfish!




Aug 20, 2007 02:05 PM
Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
Honestly, did you figure that out just now?

Aug 20, 2007 02:51 PM
Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
As for your prize, I'll take you out on a "dinner meeting!" 

Just joking. That stalker thing sucks! But heck if you look as good in real life as you do in that picture and you are bright enough to figure that # puzzle out...

Ooops. Why is my wife getting the big skillet out?  thunk, OW!
Aug 20, 2007 03:15 PM
Colleen Spence
Realty Express Services - Buffalo, NY

Hey Michael, tell your wife that she can use the little skillet...because you were kind enough to participate in my brain teasers =)

I'll give you a hint for #1 and #3,

#1 - the man would be very sad if he stopped at the hotel or motel.

#3 - the man would always prefer to take the elevator all the way up to the 10th floor 


Have a great day!


Aug 21, 2007 03:32 AM
Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
Colleen, Did you figure out the ten digit number yourself, that quick? Or did you look it up someplace, Like where I fond out about "people with umbrellas"?
Aug 21, 2007 07:30 AM
Colleen Spence
Realty Express Services - Buffalo, NY

Hey Michael,

I swear that I figured out the "10 digit" number without any other sources...just my own brain!!!  

And Yes, the answer to the #3 teaser is " that the man had an umbrella on rainy days and could reach the 10th floor button" - Did you find that on the internet??

 Ok, now that still leaves teaser #1....need another hint?


Happy Tuesday,


Aug 21, 2007 12:32 PM
Michael I. Pulskamp
Mainstreet Brokers - Jackson, CA
REALTOR, EcoBroker, GREEN Desingnee
I cheated! but would't he just bring the umbrella along on the sunny days too, or better yet get something else to use?

Its amazing to me that you figured that out that quick? Most people can't even get their heads around the question, and I think I've only had a couple that went to the trouble to work it out. You were definitely the fastest response that I have ever seen. GREAT JOB!
Aug 22, 2007 04:05 AM
"Tommy" Decebal
HomeSpector Inc. 516-851-5833 - Farmingdale, NY
Adamescu Long Island NY MASTER Home Inspector