I have gained the strength and confidence to move away from my comfort zone. My story: I became a realtor 6 years ago and I have worked for Hawkins & Associates Realty, in Arizona City, Arizona since day one. My broker Nancy Hawkins gave me the opportunity to work for her and changed my life. She took me under her wing (like a mom) and taught me so much. I can't thank her enough.
Part of doing our best in a new situation involves learning. There is so much to learn from a new experience and, more importantly, so much to learn about ourselves. I recently made a changed and now work for Prudential One Realty, in Casa Grande Arizona. Feeling the fear and doing it anyway reprograms our attitude from, "Fear means, "Don't" to "Fear means, "All systems go!! I am looking forward to the new challenges that are waiting for me.
Thank you Nancy for being a special friend & broker!! and Thank you Anthony for giving me the opportunity to face the new challenges that await me.