
Rogers MN Road Construction Maze! Week of 8/16/10

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Integrity - Team Leader

Information Provided by I-94 Chamber of Commerce and MnDot.

I-94 Bituminous Paving

Westbound I-94 paving between the TH 101 and the Crow River continues at night until Sunday, August 15. Traffic will be reduced down to one lane from 10pm to 6am. Eastbound paving operations will begin on Wednesday August 18 for approximately one week, starting from the Crow River towards TH 101. Traffic will be reduced down to one lane from 8pm to 5am.


CSAH 81/Main Street Intersection Improvements

Lane reductions continue to be inplace on CSAH 81, TH 101, Main Street, John Milless Drive and Industrial Blvd within the project area. This work is part of the stage 1 construction of the project that is expected to last through mid-September. Motorists will be able to travel on these roadways as they are under construction, but should expect major delays.


Open meetings for the public take place weekly on Wednesdays from 12:30pm pm 1:30 pm. at the Rogers Community Room. Project personnel will be available to answer any questions you may have related to the project schedule and construction activities for the CSAH 81 project as well as the other projects taking place in the City of Rogers.


I-94/TH 101 Flyover

No new traffic changes.

 I-94 Concrete Rehab

The westbound Weaver Lake Road exit and entrance ramp from I-94 will be closed on Friday August 13 at 10:00pm until Sunday August 15 at 5:00am. These ramps will also be shut down the following weekend from Friday August 20 at 10:00pm until 5:00am Monday morning August 23.

Crews will continue working on westbound I-94 starting at the Fish Lake Interchange and continuing west from 9pm to 2pm.

Eastbound work should resume on Monday August 16 from 9am to 5am and will last a few days.

Please visit the City of Rogers website <> or Mn/DOT's website <> for more information. You can sign up for email notifications on the City's website to receive immediate information on these projects as they occur.

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Bob & Leilani Souza
Souza Realty 916.408.5500 - Roseville, CA
Greater Sacramento Area Homes, Land & Investments

Jake, what a helpful local post...I'm sure the commuters in your area will appreciate this information about these construction schedules! :)


Aug 19, 2010 07:08 PM
Jake Luehrs
Keller Williams Integrity - Team Leader - Minneapolis, MN

Thanks Leilani, as we say in Minnesota, we have two seasons - Winter and Road Construction!

Aug 20, 2010 03:04 AM