Now that you've joined a networking/referral group, how do you go about getting good referrals for the other members? This is often the most stressful part of committing to a weekly referral organization. You made the commitment to attend the meetings and part of your commitment is to help others in your group reach their business goals. You want to grow your business and recognize that the more you help others, the faster you will receive referrals. As a previous member and then Assistant Director of BNI, I was consistently in the top of my group for referral givers. Here's some tips on making that happen:
- Carry the business cards of your members with you at all times - keep a cardholder in your car, office, etc. so that you can grab one when you need it. I have business cards of others everywhere.
- Make introductions to your strategic partners for the people in your group. Pick up the phone, email, use Facebook/LinkedIn or set up a coffee with the other two people.
- If you have clients/customers in your office, have business cards available of the people in your group. Set up a card holder on your desk and/or receptionist desk.
- One of the attorneys in my group in CT said he would excuse himself from the room for a few minutes and leave his cardholder on the desk in front of clients - sure enough, when he returned they were looking thru it and asking about someone.
- When you are out networking face to face, think of the others in your group and who might be a good networking/referral partner for them. Remember to make the introduction.
- Invite other professionals to your networking/referral group so that they can meet your members and get exposure for their business. Even if they don't want to join, they can be introduced and if appropriate to your group, sometimes be a substitute for you.
- Tag team network with others in your group - go to events together and introduce each other. It's more fun and often easier to talk about someone else.
- Use Facebook and Linkedin to introduce people to each other, invite people to join discussion groups that would be appropriate for them.
- Suggest that strategic partners hold educational seminars for each others' clients.
Be diligent about listening for a referral for someone else - it will come back tenfold to you. And the best part is how good it feels to help someone else grow their business. People want to help each other and its human nature to want to reciprocate.
Have fun with this. I always loved giving someone a great referral. Don't just look for the "closed deal" or the "end user" for someone else. Hook them up with potential strategic partners so they can grow their network.