Wordless Wednesday - Haunting ruin of three mission churches, at Quarai, Abo and Gran Quivara (circa 1620-1670) near Mountainair, NM.
Photo Courtesy of Cullen Boardman
Wordless Wednesday - Haunting ruin of three mission churches, at Quarai, Abo and Gran Quivara (circa 1620-1670) near Mountainair, NM.
Photo Courtesy of Cullen Boardman
Alyce, I know the date appears to be from 1620 to 1670... but honestly, this looks to be a lot older than that. Such interesting things we find from days gone by.
Thanks for your coment - here's a link to some architectural hx. if you're interested:
Alyce, very nice and suitable for framing as is...I'll go check out the link to see what the rest of it looks like.
Hi Nick - thanks for your comment. These ruins are stark and gorgeous. I feel very humbled and protected here.