Finding a home in this market takes persistence. Buyers in this market need to be motivated to find a home! My wife and I recently started looking for our own home and after 3 months and 8 offers, we finally have entered escrow... phewww!
We have represented buyers in this market and it's been challenging to find homes for them, but to actually be in the market for yourself, it's a fulltime job!
Calvin Coolidge oncce said, "Nothing can take the place of persistence." It's the truth! Persistence comes in right when you're feeling like giving up, that's when we need to kick it in to over drive and pull through. That goes for everything in life! Once you kick it in to over drive, amazing things start to happen.
The backyard says it all!
Every home we put an offer in on, we loved. Every home that wasn't accepted something better popped up, every time! Finally, I can say we picked our perfect first home, turnkey, ready to go, and gorgoues.
Keep your buyers motivated and urge them to remain persistent!