
$$$ Referral$

Mortgage and Lending with Academy Mortgage Corporation
Lately, I have been overhearing many loan officers baiting Realtors with kickbacks for referrals (along with other desperate actions to get some business: see David Kucics blog) so I had to go back to the books ( to refresh my memory about the do's and don'ts of referrals and RESPA. RESPA ~ HUD's Consumer Protection Laws Explained... Now noone can say they didn't know. In many states, Real Estate licenses are granted without close examination of an applicant's knowledge of RESPA guidelines. As a result, many Real Estate Agents go into business unaware that certain practices are prohibited via Federal statutes enacted by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development. RESPA stands for the Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act. Introduced in 1974, RESPA law is designed to protect consumers in the process of purchasing a home. RESPA requires lenders to provide consumers with disclosures (Truth−in−Lending Disclosure Statement) at various stages throughout the loan process, and also prohibits kickbacks and referral fees that would increase the cost of settlement services for consumers. There are two main points of the law that affect referral relationships between parties involved in the selling of a home: Prohibition of kickbacks. RESPA states that no one can give any "thing of value" in exchange for referrals. According to RESPA, if a Real Estate Agent refers business to me, I cannot even send them a gift certificate as a way of saying thanks. This applies to any people involved in a Real Estate transaction. If a client of yours refers another person to you, you can't reward them with any "thing of value" in exchange for the referral. Can you have a party and invite all your past clients and include referral sources? Yes. But you cannot exclusively invite referral sources, as this would constitute a provision of something of value in exchange for referrals according to RESPA. Can you give a client a thank you gift after a transaction closes? Yes. Giving new homeowners a house−warming gift is great marketing tool to implement after the deal is closed. However, you cannot give them a thank you gift in exchange for referring additional business to you. Prohibition of defraying costs. RESPA law indicates that normal promotional and educational practices are permissible, as long as there is no defrayment of cost involved. If you enter into a cooperative marketing campaign with a Loan Officer, Title Rep, or any other professional, the other party cannot pay for your portion of the costs. Costs for advertising and distribution must be divided proportionately. For example, if your name and image branding takes up ¼ of the advertising space in a co−op marketing campaign with a Loan Executive, then the LO should pay 75% and you should pay 25% of the costs, based upon fair market values. I am not an attorney so be sure to Penalties for violations include up to $10,000 in fines and/or up to a year in prison. Details on RESPA laws can be found at
Edson X. Bezerra
Boardwalk Realty of Florida - Fort Myers, FL

I think that referring someone should not mean you should receive a kick back.   I think that what I want is the best for my customer in getting good service.  If they take someone I refer to them I can keep a close eye on the transaction and advise that the person they are using is giving them the best service at the best price.  If that is what they are doing. 

Aug 21, 2007 11:15 PM
Gita Bantwal
RE/MAX Centre Realtors - Warwick, PA
REALTOR,ABR,CRS,SRES,GRI - Bucks County & Philadel
I agree. I refer someone based on customer service they provide to my clients. I always give more than one name.They can choose one of them or ask their friends for referral.
Aug 21, 2007 11:29 PM
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator
» Bill Burress Nationwide Mortgage Originator - Fort Myers, FL


Very good post.  RESPA's main existence revolves around kickbacks.  When I first studied this many years ago, I found it interesting that "kickbacks" is the exact word that is used in RESPA.

You are right.  The gift card can be a kickback.  Anything of "significant value."  I don't know what C.E. instructor single handedly started the false $25.00 rule.  It doesn't exist in RESPA.  "Significant value" is ambiguous for a reason.  Don't Do it!

We cannot have enough posts on this topic.

Aug 22, 2007 12:01 AM
Seth Callen
Farmers Insurance - Lawton, OK

Good info, and info that many were probably not aware of.  What seems to work the best  for me is a marketing relationship.

Aug 22, 2007 02:52 AM
Jay Oku
Academy Mortgage Corporation - Ewa Beach, HI

Thank you all for your comments:

Edson- Thank you for commenting; I agree with you. We are all in this business together and get paid handsomely if we do a good job.

Gita- I appreciate your time to comment. Your response is sound textbook business.  If I have done business with a particular agent that is ethical and does a superior job, I have no problem letting my client know that. In this rapidly changing market having a a team of people that you work well with can help the customer experience.

Bill- Thank you. Good to hear from you again too. The rumor on the island that anything $50 or less is fair game. However after a little research it appears that anything of "significant value" is the key term. I know that its to protect the consumer, but if some one give me sound advice in life I like to thank them with something of significant value to let them know that I am grateful. In business I must show my gratitude through the quality of my communication, ethics and a job well done.

Seth- Thanks. I agree. There is significant value in co-marketing with business partners; it's great way to split costs for both parties. Aloha

Aug 22, 2007 05:09 AM

I appreciate your comments Jay!! I work in Title & Escrow, so you know we have not only RESPA to adhere to, the OIC as well.

I have some Lenders in my area who think that RESPA does not apply to them and have made such comments in a crowd of peers. This lender also slams the Title companies for not sponsoring holes at Golf Tournaments, donating auction items to Realtor functions, not sponsoring open houses, ect. This Lender has gone as far as to say "I would like to donate to RPAC(Realtor's Political Action Committee) in the names of Realtor's who send me referrals." I said in this meeting "I wouldn't do that if I were you" Then quoting the RESPA referrals and kickbacks. She told me oh quit being so political.

I wish there was a way to educate Realor's on this subject. Many people in my area think it is only a title company issue. I guess until someone local is called out on the carpet (like title companies have been)then they will shape up.



Aug 23, 2007 03:31 AM
Paul Moye
Benchmark Realty - Franklin, TN
Broker, GRI, SRES

Good post, but remember you can not legislate ethical behavior. RESPA exists to keep us all on a level playing field. A referral with compensation should be more than an"Arms Lenght" away. In other words the parties in the referral should not be parties to the transaction.

By the way Nancy, Title and Escrow agents do the same..offer $$$, bling, gift cards all as incentives to refer more business to them.

Aug 23, 2007 04:27 AM

"By the way Nancy, Title and Escrow agents do the same..offer $$$, bling, gift cards all as incentives to refer more business to them.'


08/23/2007 by Paul Moye, Broker, ABR, GRI, e-PRO

 Not all Title and Escrow agents do this!   You may  wish to reconsider who is handling your title and escrow transactions in the future.  This casual attitude regarding incentives must be corrected.  Sales agents/brokers have no problem recieving a referral fee simply by passing a "name" to a fellow agent/broker.  When no work has been performed, this referral fee has been unearned in my opinion.  Unfortunately this is still allowed within the realtor community.  A level playing field must be established and enforced.   Assuming that this behavior is acceptable because alot of businesses are doing it does not solve the problem.  I would like to see referral fees/incentatives/kickbacks eliminated across the board for EVERYONE in the real estate industry.  Unfortunately, there are companies/individuals that see the potential profit exceed the possible risks/penalties.  Business as usual for them, until they get caught. And they will, it appears.

Aug 23, 2007 05:17 AM

Good point, Lee.  Not ALL title and escrow companies offer gifts for business, mine being one of them.  The expectation from many of the Realtors for free loot is still there, regardless of how much we advise of our regulations by the OIC.  I don't expect that anything will change that mindset other than the recipients being fined for accepting gifts from Lenders AND title companies. 

I was at a Golf Tournament recently and witnessed a title company paying for 2 Producers golfing fees at $60 a pop.  This was not done by some naive sales rep but by the owner of the company who happens to be an Attorney.  They know better, but they do it anyway. 

Aug 23, 2007 05:34 AM
Jay Oku
Academy Mortgage Corporation - Ewa Beach, HI

Lee & Nancy - Thank you for your attention to this matter. It is an ongoing issue that may never be obeyed, On the other hand, regulators may crack down on some unexpectant violators. 

Aug 23, 2007 07:41 PM
1SG (Ret.) David Kucic
Hawaii Military Realty, Inc. - Ewa Beach, HI
President and Owner
Jay-Thanks for the mention in your blog!  I often wonder about kickbacks and how much is really going on here in Hawaii.  My position doesnt allow me to be around the "heavy-hitters" here which is okay because that would not be in my comfort zone.  If it is being done and they get caught they could be in a world of hurt.  There are too many clients out there that can be found the good old honest way rather than through kick backs.  Aloha and I look forward to our educational briefing next week!  Golf to follow in a few weeks but I will pay my own greens fee unlike the comment above!
Aug 25, 2007 08:58 AM