Module three is about building up your network of backlinks.
To start building those backlinks you first need to have an understanding of what backlinks are and how they work. Today, you learn about the two things you need to do in order to get ranked in Google.
Not all backlinks are created equal. In this lesson you learn:
- the two components that go into a correctly built backlink. (hint: it's the url and anchor text)
- about backlink authority and why high authority backlinks are important.
- The end goal of module three is to provide and create great quality content for your micro-niche and have that content be leveraged to generate high quality backlinks to your micro-niche blog.
Actions For The Day - 1. Set your timer and do ten minutes of fueling for content and information relating to your micro-niche. 2. Set your timer and do a ten minute free writing session, then put the article away for editing at a later time. 3. Spend ten minutes editing an article you wrote last week that still needs to be edited.