There are at least 10 emails daily, and that does not include all the blogs out there or the facebook & linkedin connection requests I get from so called "Social Media Experts". I do acknowldege that this area has exploded in the past few years. The biggest dilemma is how do you figure out who is truly speaking from experience and success from the ones who are wannabes.
My experiences have been great in all the classes I have taken from Chicago Title about social media. They are doing everything they are teaching and sharing awsome tips that would have taken me a lot longer to discover. After that you have to plunge in on a consistent basis and get the experience going so that you can start to evaluate what you like, believe and enjoy with social media. I find that I can find great books(like Trust Agents) and more articles on real estate related sites that lead me to more to learn. It is a never ending process of learning as it is evolving just as I am. In a way, it is like golf! One reason golf is so addictive is that you can always go back and play another round to get better. I am speaking from experience since I have been an avid golfer for years.
I know that I will never be an "expert" on social media and I am OK with that. I am concentrating on opening and closing escrows and have had great success with them. I do know I will continue to use social media as part of my tools for success in real estate.