Hi Whomever!
I really want your opinion. Based on my blogging track record, I won't get it, but here goes anyway. I think I am funny, but my wife keeps telling me to cut it out. In our newsletter my wife and daughter are trying to seize editorial oversight. I made a comment about being in the lotus position at my private yoga session and seizing the moment, bit my toenail. That's not easy for a fat, old guy on oxygen with Parkinsons. It was understandable to me that I could lose my balance, fall from my chair and roll out the driveway to the road. I didn't realize that Joe Crowley, coming home from an all-nighter, was barreling down the road (23 mph speed limit) and just missed me. I had no idea he would sue me for slander. Funny?
A more recent item. We listed our neighbors home and a Canadian couple bought it. I put an email blurb out about it and mentioned the buyers bought with the stipulation i couldn't get the morning newspaper in my bathrobe as part of the contract. I mentioned in my e-mail something about "yeah, I ok'd it but that didn't say anything about Speedos." That was such a frightening thought, I had to stop and collect myself.
Am I the only one that thinks like this? My wife and daughter will not allow speedo and toenail comments. They are redflagged words. At this rate I'll be down to a 3/2/2. lovely, etc.
My thought process is "I'm not going to get everyone anyway." What do you think?