Is water damage covered by our condo association's master insurance policy in Boston, MA? The depends. We know this is not the answer people are hoping to read, but this explanation should clear the muddy water. If you have further questions call me for clarification.
FLOOD or GROUND WATER are a couple of the UNCOVERED causes of water damage. A condo association would have to purchase flood insurance to cover the water damage sustained by flood or ground water.
Coverage for BACK-UP of SEWERS and DRAINS maybe purchased or included within a condo's master insurance policy. The term back-up of sewers and drains refers to water that backs-up through your sink, bathtub, shower, or drain etc and causes water damage within your condo complex or unit.
BROKEN or FROZEN PIPES that cause water damage will usually be a COVERED loss by the condo association's master policy (assuming heat was maintained within the building). If put together correctly, the owner's individual condo insurance (HO6) will subsidize most of the master policy's deductible. This means less money out of your pocket to repair the water damage and to get life back to normal.
RAIN damage to the interior of you condo will be a COVERED loss IF the STORM DAMAGES YOUR BUILDING and that's why the rain got in your condo complex or unit.
For a review or a quote on your condo association's master insurance policy contact us!