
A “Green” Remodel for your Bathroom

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When you want to make sure your bathroom remodel is as green as possible, you will need to know how to save energy, conserve your resources and protect your budget. 

More and more homeowners are beginning to care about the environment and the bathroom is top on that list to transform homes into green homes.  So, whether you have a bathroom that's badly in need of repair or you're simply ready to take the ‘green' step, we have some tips that will help you along the way.

There are now many eco-responsible products available on the market.  The first step you can take to begin your green bathroom remodel is with the water.  Water in the bathrooms makes up for a lot of water use and wasted water.  The toilet alone takes an average of 27% of your household's consumption.  You can improve this amount by purchasing a dual-flush toilet.  They are more effective for flushing and saving water than low-flow toilets.  The dual-flush toilet has two flush buttons.  One is used for light work while the other is used for the heavier work. 

Homeowner Tips - Dual Flow Toilets

You can purchase a dual-flush toilet for as little as $200, which is in line with top quality conventional toilets.  And, a dual-flush toilet can save 17,000 gallons of water each year.  That can average out to $50 off your water bill.  You can save even more money by keeping your old toilet and retrofit it with the dual-flush parts for around $70.

Another water waster is the shower.  Most showers use an average of 16% to 20% of the home's water.  You can help your water usage in the shower by adding a low-flow shower head.  The typical showerhead uses 2.5 gallons of water per minute while a low-flow shower head reduces that usage down to 1.5 to 2 gallons per minute.  And, it still produces adequate cleaning.

Homeowner Tips - Low Flow Shower Heads

The water heater is also an area where you can conserve on water.  A water heater uses lots of energy and many people waste a good bit of water while waiting for the water to heat up.  You can turn down your water heater temperature, which will save around $60 a year on energy costs, or you can purchase a tankless water heater.  They cost more to purchase than a traditional water heater, but they will save you money on energy while reducing your water consumption.

Homeowner Tips - Tankless Water heater

These green tips will get you started on a green bathroom remodel.  Check back next week when we'll have even more green bathroom remodel tips such as air movement and selecting green materials.

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John Thomas
E3 Green HOMES - Boulder, CO
EcoBroker, MSEE, MBA

Great suggestions...thanks for helping to get the word out about the many green options available when remodeling.

Aug 24, 2010 11:21 AM