Active Rain Success Story: The Proof is in the Pudding!
I finally get to write one of these babies! I closed a transaction from an Active Rain referral, this means I get to write my very own Active Rain Success Story! This isn't the first taste of success from the rain, I do have some leads in the making and a few listings on the market, but until this summer, I had not actually CLOSED on one yet. Well folks, here it in the bank directly thanks to Active Rain!
Dawn Tetro,an amazing REALTOR in Alpharetta, Georgia, gave me the opportunity to help her niece and husband find a great home here in San Antonio. They were relocating from Japan to San Antonio (military) and were purchasing their first home! Thank you so much Dawn for trusting me to help them find the perfect home for their needs!
Just in case you haven't heard...the power of Active Rain is REAL and no joke! So come on out and play in the Rain!!!