
Tickets for Pop-Up Magazine 4 on Sale Now

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Tickets for Pop-Up Magazine 4 on Sale Now

August 28th, 2010


Tickets for Pop-Up Magazine 4, which will take place on Thursday, September 9th, went on sale today. Get them right now. They're bound to sell out quick.

Pop-Up is the world's first live magazine, created for a stage, a screen, and a live audience, featuring stories, documentary films, interviews, facts, photography, and radio presented by contributors to the New Yorker, This American Life, the New York Times Magazine, Harper's, All Things Considered, Mother Jones, and Wired.

Issue 4's line-up includes bestselling author Mary Roach, acclaimed photographer Jim Goldberg, public radio stars The Kitchen Sisters, Oscar-nominated documentary filmmaker Amanda Micheli, novelist Yiyun Li, and many, many more talented and prominent folks.

Wow, that's a mouthful.

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Cece Blase
Paragon Real Estate Group - San Francisco, CA

Well. . . it sounded kind of cool, but the link you sent says the event is already sold out. Sounds like it would have been cool. I try to hit the New Yorker Festival in the fall whenever I can-- sounds like this would have been similar. . . happy you're back, BTW. Now I'll go look at this funny little cell phone thing.

Sep 01, 2010 02:18 PM