So as I sit at my desk drinking my coffee Made in Colombia, in my Made in China coffee mug, and writing with my Made in Japan Pentel pen, I got to thinking about Made in the U.S.A.
You would be hard pressed to find Made in the U.S.A around your home, but when you do, you must admit, there is a sense of pride in knowing it came from the good ole U.S.A. The American Worker remains unsurpassed as the best in the world. Our workers employ sanitary and health measures that provide protection for us domestically and such standards are, thank goodness, now required of foreign regulatory systems exporting to the U.S.A. While our country's importing/exporting policies are out of balance, the average American Worker remains steadfast in his or her determination to provide quality workmanship in our goods.
Labor Day use to be celebrated with a street parade to exhibit to the public "the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations" of our communities, followed by a festival for the recreation and amusement of the workers and their families, and then followed by speeches from prominent men and women as more emphasis was placed upon the economic and civic significance of the holiday. This was the pattern for years.
We seem to have lost our way in how to celebrate Labor Day. The parades are miniscule, the speeches if at all are shorter, and most significantly millions of American Workers are out of a job.
Perhaps the celebration of this long holiday weekend should make us all take pause and give thanks as a nation as we pay tribute to the creator of so much of our nation's true strength and leadership - the American worker.
My belief is that we will all come back from this sour economy, stronger, more determined and as proficient as ever!