
Social Media Live - Tips I learned from Jeff Turner

Real Estate Agent with RE/MAX Access

There are MANY folks out there who claim to be "social media guru's" unfortunately there are just a handful who walk to walk.  Jeff Turner, just happens to be one of the ones who definitely walks that walk.  Before this morning, I had heard lots of great stuff about him and I follow him on Twitter but I had never had the opportunity to have any personal and up close interaction with him. 

Well, this morning, I had the GREAT pleasure of hearing him speak at an event put on by the PT50 group in San Antonio and later I got to have lunch with him and several of my office mates.  The event was called Social Media Live and fashioned after a David Letterman show (see pics below). 

There was so much great wisdom passed along during the two hour session and below are 10 things I learned during the event.

1.  Your behavior is your reputation - protect it.

2.  If your Facebook fan page is filled with nothing but listings, do us all a favor and delete your account.

3.  Purposful frivolity is okay!

4.  No matter what people say, social media is not free. (your time is of value - spend it wisely)

5.  It is impossible to separate your business and personal personas in social media (people want to see your authentic self)

6.  Set your own boundaries and stick to them (don't let others dictate your comfort level)

7.  We, as agents, must raise our own bar in the real estate industry.

8.  Lists and groups are a must in social media.

9.  If you want to get "de-friended" on Facebook make sure you invite ALL REALTORS who are your friends to your open house (even if they live 2 time zones away).

10.  Jeff Turner is a person who is down to earth, brilliantly smart, really funny and truly authentic!


Jeff Turner interviewing Travis Kessler (president of the Texas Association of Realtors)


Look we even had a mini San Antonio Active Rain meet-up!

RE/MAX Access - We have an AWESOME office!

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Jean Hanley
Coldwell Banker Kivett Teeters - Hemet, CA
Specializing in Folks Who Want To Buy/Sell Homes

Thanks Jeanna, looks like you and your group had a blast.  I have never met Jeff Turner, either, and he lives in my state, probably a couple hours away.  I will make a point to see him next time he does something in my area.

Sep 02, 2010 12:26 PM
Robert Schwabe
Herron Real Estate - Orange Park, FL
Orange Park Real Estate

Jenna - It sounded like you had a great time. It also sounds like there were good tips that will help you with your social media.

Sep 02, 2010 02:40 PM
Dane Bauerle

Jenna- I sat on the edge of my seat waiting for your next twitter bit 'o wisdom yesterday.  My fav was "do us all a favor and delete your account!"



Sep 03, 2010 05:09 AM
Sheldon Neal
Bergen County, NJ - RE/MAX Real Estate Limited - Maywood, NJ
That British Agent Bergen County NJ

Excellent tips from Jeff, and well worthy of sharing with the AR community Jeanna !

#4 is underappreciated !!

... and looks like you have a terrific office there at RE/MAX Access !!!!

Cheers :o)

Sep 03, 2010 05:38 AM
Jeanna Martinez
RE/MAX Access - Schertz, TX

Jean - We did have a really great time!  He is without a doubt worth the trip...he really shares great information and is entertaining!

Robert - both!  It was a blast and I learned some great new tips and was reminded of some oldies!

Dane - That was my favorite too!! I'm glad you enjoyed it via twitter!

Sheldon - Thank you and yes he did share some great stuff! It is so easy to forget  #4 and undervalue our time!  We really do have an awesome office (and the best part is that I'm only in this office because of Active Rain!) I am so lucky to share space with Kristin, Matt and Sheila...they are truly inspirational! :-)

Sep 03, 2010 06:12 AM
Sheila Moran
RE/MAX Access (Garden Ridge, San Antonio, New Braunfels) - New Braunfels, TX, RE/MAX Access, 210-32


The event was fun, but the company was even better!

Glad we were able to take away some "nuggets" from Jeff!

Sep 03, 2010 06:36 AM
Kristin Moran
Owner - RE/MAX Access - - San Antonio, TX
San Antonio,TX - Real Estate - 210-313-7397

Great take aways Jeanna!  I loved the part about being yourself, I think that's what most folks get stumped on for some reason.  I love Matt's face in the AR pic, looks curious.....

Sep 03, 2010 02:24 PM
Jeanna Martinez
RE/MAX Access - Schertz, TX

Sheila - I am so glad you arranged for us to eat lunch with him...that was the best part!

Kristin - Thanks...that was one of my favorite things too!  He does look a bit off, huh???

Sep 03, 2010 02:53 PM