
How do YOU view Change!

Real Estate Agent with Keller Williams Integrity - Team Leader

There are so many different definitions and assumptions on change.  Many view change as a negative thing.  The type of personality also has an impact on the perception of change.  I've been through a lot of change over the past year, both personally and professionally.  The changes that we as agents get to go through offers a lot of opportunity for future growth.  This industry offers so many dynamics that can match nearly any personality or position.

Recently changing from real estate sales to more of a coaching and training position, I find more purpose in helping others grow their business.  Not just saying that I enjoy it, but I really have the drive to help other succeed.  Do you feel that in your business?  If not, what would give you that drive?  As I've mentioned, we have so many opportunities in this field, it's important for us to take advantage of that, not only for ourselves, but for the benefit of the industry as a whole! 

Here are just a few benefits of change:

1.)Identifies your passions through thought - thought that is triggered by change

2.)Opens the door to new opportunities

3)It's easy to be complacent with ‘what is', change allows to you plan your next move

4.)Looking back, many times change is a blessing in disguise, either teaching you something or provides for more appreciation for things previously taken for granted.

There are many benefits to change, it's our thoughts and perceptions that will allow it to be a positive or negative change.  I challenge everyone to look at what makes them tick.  If you don't have an answer, dig a little deeper until something makes sense.  Starting at that point will allow you to define goals and systems that correlate with your drive and passion.  Just think how successful you can be doing something that you not only say you believe in, but something that you back up through your actions. 

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David L. Montgomery
David L. Montgomery

The only constant in life is change. Change comes whether we want it or not.

Sep 03, 2010 08:25 AM