Well, I tried. I was going for the 30 Blogs in 30 Days Challenge but yesterday was a busy day and I didn't get to the computer. Oh well, I wrote as many blogs in the last 2 weeks as I did in the last two years so I've already gained something. I gained those additional points as well receiving a feature - Woo Hoo! One thing I have learned as I spent more time at the computer lately - I need to take more breaks. I mean get up & move, walk, do something. A few days ago I got some serious muscle spasms/cramps in my legs that continued for a few days. This was during a period that I spent a lot of time at the computer. I decided that I really needed some time away from the computer and made a concerted effort to stay away. Funny, since I tell my kids they need to do something besides play video games.
So...I started a serious walking regime and within a day the spasms totally disappeared. I have cut back to my more manageable computer time and my legs feel fine again. I do not regularly exercise but when I am NOT on the computer, I rarely sit down. So... I learned to 2 things with the Blog Challenge - 1) I can get better at blogging and it's very doable to blog at least once a week - considering I was blogging once every 3 months 2) When I spend a lot of time on the computer, I need to take regular breaks and do some serious physical movement to keep my body from atrophying.