OK! So a prospect calls your "RECORDED INFO" line and you're sent the lead. Here's where the rubber meets the road. If you open things up "the right way" prospects will love you. If you don't... they won't. It's as simple as that!
So how do you open thing up "the right way?" Well, here's an unbelievably simple, yet POWERFUL follow-up script!
A Realtor of ours does it this way. He calls back and says:
"Hello this is Jim Miller with XYZ Realty. A few minutes ago you called my recorded information line and listened to some information about the home on Elm Street that we're advertising in the homes magazine.
I know you weren't expecting me to call you back, but there's a couple reasons I wanted to touch base with you. First, I wanted to thank you for calling about that particular home. I appreciate your interest. It's such a beautiful home. But the second reason is I was hoping to tell you a little bit more about the home, because in the 30-45 second recording I couldn't really tell you all that much about it - and it's such a beautiful home!
Would it be OK if I told you a little bit more about it?"
He does four things with this approach that work in just about any setting. First, he identifies with them. Second, he appreciates them. Third, he demonstrates he wants to serve. Fourth, he is respectful and asks permission to continue. If they don't want him to, he ends the conversation. If they want him to continue, he starts building rapport!
How well does this work?
Our agent tells us, out of a hundred calls, he gets 99% of the callers to talk with him and begin a rapport building dialog!
Is it effective?
Well, last year he made over $250,000 using this! The year before he made about $75,000. You be the judge... is it effective? I'd say so! But then again, I'm biased.
So there you have it! That's how simple and easy it can be to open up the lines of communication between you and your prospect. Best of luck to you and...