The top ten list of States with the highest foreclosures did not include Colorado. HALLELUJAH !!!!
I can sympathize with all ten of the top ten states, as Colorado once filled one of their slots.
The States with high appreciation forn 2000-2007 -top- the top ten. Colorado did not have
the high appreciation, althought we were one of the first states to be on the top ten
(Colorado held #1 for some time ) and one of the first state to improve.
It is still a great time to buy, rather it be a foreclosure, HUD and or mom and pop. Owner
occupied rates at 4% fixed 30 year. Take a minute to watch the video, you' ll be gad you did !!
Gary DiGiorgio
The DiGiorgio Group
9035 Wadsworth pkwy 2000
Westminster.Co 80021
Direct 303 898 4279
Office 303 422 5200 fx 303 467 0211
Serving and selling Denver for over 11,000 days
Top Ten List
1.Nevada.........1 in twenty homes
2. Florida.........Florida is filled with condos
3.California......Unempolyment over 10%
4.Arizona........1 in 186 homes
5.Idaho...........High appreciation in 2003-2006 ( just like the #1- 4 states )
6.Michigan......Auto job losses
7.Illinois..........16,400 foreclosures
8.Utah............Land of ARMS !!!
9.Maryland.....ARMS and Balloon Loans... except no party there !!
10. New Jersey.. Big appreciation !! ??
Gary D in Denver