There's been a lot this week about family, friends, people we love, and people we've lost. Good things and bad, hard times and uplifting times. So, I figured, I may as well get another one out on the table.
Earlier this week I wrote about football, and my younger son. My older son John played in high school too for 3 years, if you ask him about it, he'll tell you he played left bench. He was a better wrestler than football player. He is better at things that he is more independent at. But, alas, there were serious problems with the coach and suffice it to say that after a serious incident where several young men became ill and one had to be treated at a hospital - after the boys took it upon themselves to do something - a group of them resigned from the team together. Good boys, who had seen enough. Once that happened, once some of us parents really found out how miserable things were for the kids, he was taken to task. It took a while, and it was a fight, but he was finally after 6 months removed as coach.
It was very hard on a lot of the boys, for my son, wrestling was something he had been good at, that he liked and wanted to do - that he could participate in and be successful. A few years ago he decided to try another route. Natural body building - unbelievable amount of discipline, hard work and dedication.
His first season he participated in 3 competitions. And was very successful. After winning his novice class, then his weight class in a men's open and then finally, wining the overall of the different weight class winners. So, his next season he was then able to compete in a pro-qualifier. In that first competition he won the overall and his pro status to go with it as well as the award for the best posing routine. They do a 90 second routine to music. About 6 weeks ago he competed in his first pro competition - he took 4th place of his weight class and was a very happy guy. Next week he goes to NYC to compete again. If my boys can do, if they can overcome obstacles placed in their path, then so can I.