

Mortgage and Lending with PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 AZLO 0915719 NMLS 216866

"Hiking the Beautiful Black Canyon National Recreation Trail is how an Arizona loan officer "regroups!"

We in Arizona are soon looking forward to enjoyable 80 degree temps in the desert. There is so much to do in the great outdoors of Arizona but I highly suggest"regrouping" in the cooler weather of the Bradshaw Mountains, and it is only 30 minutes north of the Valley of the Sun. This trail received the prestigious award of being designated a National Recreational Trail in June of 1998. The trail is for mountain bikers, equestrians and for hikers such as myself (yes, that is me in the pic above!). Read more about the trail by going to

Being a citizen of Beautiful Black Canyon City and a loan originator in the crazy market allows me to access the trail on a regular basis to regroup and appreciate the wonderful Arizona outdoors. I constantly come across various desert wildlife such as quail, jack rabbits, deer, desert tortoises, Gila monsters and yes rattle snakes. They kind of all go with the pristine, natural Arizona desert.  

We all need some type of time away from this ever changing real estate market that we all choose to stay in and mine is the hiking. I call it my "Prozac!" I did a lot of hiking while putting myself through the stressful process of attaining my AZ Mortgage Loan Originators designation. Stressful because I set very high expectations for myself and studied like mad! I had heard so many had failed both the state and the federal exams the first and second times trying. I was determined to succeed on my first attempts and did so much to my self-jubilation. I was complimenting myself and thanking God out-loud on the rides home after passing each test, much to the amazement of other drivers I am sure!

So whatever it is that you do to "regroup" keep doing it. We all need to maintain our sanity in this market and in the future months ahead. Please look up the trail and try it out some time. I am sure you will enjoy it as I do. If you need a hiking guide call me. I would love to share my "Prozac!"









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Anna "Banana" Kruchten
Retired Broker/Owner - Phoenix, AZ

Well Hey Stranger - nice to see you back online!  Looks like you had a great hike -gorgeous area!  We went to Prescott to unwind - always a good thing to do!  This week looks good to get together - give me a buzz!

Sep 12, 2010 12:43 PM
Carra Riley & Declan Kenyon
Brokers Guild Cherry Creek Ltd - Westminster, CO
Helping people Transition at all ages!

Lori.....De-stressing and letting off steam is definitely a must to keep a fresh and sane frame of mind and it looks like you've found the perfect elixir.

Sep 13, 2010 06:53 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional

Yes Anna I am back on-line and taking advantage of all the great info on AR! We will definitely get together for some catching up and a good cup of Java!

Carra, always good to see you and your various tidbits on FB and AR. Anyone involved in the AZ real estate arena has to find something to keep sane and mine is enjoying the great outdoors!!

Sep 15, 2010 12:22 PM
Mike Jones
SUNSTREET MORTGAGE, LLC (BK-0907366, NMLS 145171) - Tucson, AZ
Mike Jones NMLS 223495


Great to see you blogging again!  Love the photo and the way you have with words.

Mike in Tucson

Sep 17, 2010 04:26 AM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional

Thanks Mike! I learning lots from people such as Anna, Carra and YOU!

Sep 19, 2010 07:47 AM
Jen Bowman
Keller Williams on the Water - Holmes Beach, FL
Realtor - Anna Maria Island & Bradenton FL

Hi Lori, I was looking online for info on Black Canyon and came across your post.  It's great info for people looking to learn about an area.

Jul 06, 2012 02:27 PM
Lori Martinez Equal Housing Lender
PEOPLES MORTGAGE CO. AZBK 0904164 NMLS 6274 - Prescott, AZ
Personal Mortgage Professional

Thanks Jen. I love my area and sharing info about it with anyone!

Aug 03, 2012 02:21 AM