

Home Inspector with United Professional Real Estate Inspectors, Inc.

We are all human and sometimes inspectors make mistakes.  Your inspector must have the financial ability to fix those mistakes with the right insurance.  Make sure your inspector has Errors and Omissions insurance. Does your inspector have a declaration page?  Ask him to fax it to you.  For an example, see ours at

I think it is imperative to take insurance one step further to protect those who refer our service.  At UPREI, we cover the referring realtor!   Let’s say something goes wrong and a referring realtor is named in a lawsuit. It sounds like a horrible situation. If this ever happens, our insurance will not only cover us, it covers the realtor as well. 


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United Professional Real Estate Inspectors is committed  to providing  home buyers, home sellers, and the real estate community a thorough, reliable, consistent, uniform home inspection service that is diplomatically based on the CREIA and ASHI philosophy and strives to meet high public expectations.

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Stephen Hodge
Chestnut Park Real Estate Limited, Brokerage - Cobourg, ON

The Home Inspectors we like using the most aren't the ones who claim to never make mistakes, but the ones who have demonstrated that they can and will take ownership and find solutions for those mistakes. Not only does it make our lives easier knowing we have someone to help deal with the burden of a surprise issue after closing, but also helps in keeping a temporarily unhappy client happy in the long term.

Sep 14, 2010 05:14 AM