
Pat Yourself on the Back Today

Real Estate Agent with Remax Real Estate Group

This is unofficially "Pat Yourself On the Back" Day.  Why?  Quick! Name every "different hat" you wear on a daily basis to keep your home running smoothly.  Now, throw in "it's summer so the ante has gone up because I have to keep the kids entertained" because they aren't in school.  OK you don't have to keep them entertained but if you don't your kid turns into a zombie via video games or the Disney Channel, etc.  

As I was pulling laundry from the washer this morning it just hit me rather hard that, my gosh, we (parents) do so much!! I counseled my teenager last night about a nasty cut on her foot.  Her pretty face looking at me intently, patiently listening to my advise.  I admit I was surprised she actually seemed like she was listening...  Doctor Mom was in.  Then my pre-teen wants to babysit and wants to know, among other things, how much she should charge. I told her I only remember what they charged in 1975.  Any input on babysitting charges would be greatly appreciated. 

The laundress (me) washed about six loads this morning, the maid (me) scrubbed the floor this afternoon.  The Realtor (me again) responded to email inquiries about my listings. The chauffeur (me) took the kids to swim.  The wife (oh yes, me) helped my husband off to work in this lovely heat (it's approaching what I affectionately call "the face of the sun"). Of course, I am certain he didn't want to go to work in 150 degree heat.  Again, let's all collectively pat ourselves on the back for jobs well done. 

Our kids probably won't thank us...unless they're my youngest kid.  On Fathers Day, she told my husband and I she "felt bad" for us that we had to go to work and take care of her and her siblings.  We, of course, immediately hugged her and explained that that is what we are supposed to do.  

I'm reminded of some great song lyrics that say what we do, we do for our kids, to keep them safe and happy; that is our job. I decided not to pat myself on the back, but go get a hug from my kid instead.  Go get a hug from your kid...even if they're fourty.