Well we just returned this weekend from one of the most exciting weeks I have had in my real estate career. To be amongst the top Mega Agents (about 6000 agents) from all over the country and Canada to be in not only their prescence but that of Gary Keller (Co founder of Keller Willilams Realty), Byron Ellington (Tech Director KW Inernational), Floyd Wickman (need I say) and the incredible John Maxwell (inspirational speaker).
The first 2 days were for Mega Agents, which focused on how to THRIVE in the real estate market not just survive. Going back to basic, not blaming anyone for the results of your business efforts and time blocking for lead generation and prospecting! That's it, it isn't brain surgery............Prospect, Prospect, Prospect, get the appointment is the name of the game.
The 3rd day was Mega Technology Camp....Wow.....We were fortunate to have the founder of Trulia, Sami, there to present the basics on Trulia and the his sharing the top 50 must have websites to be associated with. This list of 50 sites was worth the entire trip and it wasn't even the best part.....Bryon Ellington and the different mega panel member panels discussion were invaluable.
The 4th and 5th day was for Team Leaders, OP's, MCA and I have to say to be in the presence of Mary Tennet, Mark Willis, and other KW International leaders was absolutely incredible. Having John Maxwell speak with us I have to say was the highlight. I purchased several of his books and tapes and can't put down the first one called Failing Forward.
Thank you KWI for inviting John Maxwell to Mega Camp (Can we get him for Family Reunion in Atlanta in 2008)?
With all this training, inspiration and networking,you can be assured this Keller Williams Agent is on top of the market and her real estate career.
You can visit our website at www.SouthFloridaRealEstate.com.