
Why (ner)

Real Estate Agent with 248-877-8548- Prudential HWWB Realtors of Birmingham MI

The why in whiner.  We've all had these customers.  Whether they be buyers or sellers. Why this, why that, why is the sky blue?  You know what I mean

Anyways, Im just writing this to vent.  I am in this business to SERVE my clients. I 've alway belived it and always will.  After all that 's how we getr repeat and referral business, isn't it.  No matter (well there are exceptions) how difficult the client mey be.....I'm there to serve

I have this really nice couple who I sold a house to in a Detroit Suburb.  We are closing today. It's a 200) square foot home, about 10 years old that they purchased for $52,000.  Thats  right fifty-two thousand! No granted, the hojme has no kitchen, however its 3 bedroom 3 bath with 2 fireplaces  and a very open floor plam.  In my opinion a great buy!

I digress, i think.  Anyways the why(ner) bug has never let go of this buyer.  Wht is the gas line here, why did they use this paint, what are the rocks gone in the front of the house, why why why.  Im going to have nightmares soon!  I really wish  I could answer the why(ners) questions, but I always believed if you don't have an answer, don't make one up, just say I don't know, or I don't know I'll find out for you.

Maybe we all should get degrees ib psycholgy so we can better SERVE our clients

I supppose at end of the day, better a whiner than noone to whine at all?


Posted by

 Mark Wasserman

Associate Broker

Prudential HWWB Realtors






Mark Wasserman  248-877-8548  

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Ruth Vogt
Fairway Independent Mortgage, LLS. Equal Housing Opportunity. Regulated by the Division of Real Estate. - Colorado Springs, CO

Mark, I love your new word: WHYner! We need to substitute WHYner with WhyNOT from now on!

Sep 15, 2010 07:04 AM
Lang Premier Properties
Lang Premier Properties - Clawson, MI
Metro Detroit Real Estate Group

I love this blog..  Makes me think of some of the WHYner clients I have had over the years.

Best of luck to you in 2012!

Dec 17, 2011 04:41 AM