
Keep an Eye Out for the X - REI Garage Sales

Home Inspector with Professional Inspection Services - Georgetown, Texas

Keep an Eye Out for the X because they are everywhere these days.  Especially on really great outdoor gear.

REI Garage SaleEvery few months our local REI Stores have a garage sale.  They sell all the stuff that people have returned at really great prices.  Some of the items are unused or barely used while some things have had the life beat out of them.

I guess that happens a lot because REI allows you to return just about anything at any time if you're not satisfied.  It's a great policy but I'm confident that a few folks take advantage of their system.

So, we picked up a few items at the garage sale REI had on Saturday September 11th at their Round Rock, Texas store.  The only draw back to the great deals is that everything you buy will have a large, conspicuously placed X on it.

So, keep an eye out for those Xs.  And...if you have an REI nearby you should check out their garage sale.REI Garage Sale 2

The Downtown Austin store will host their garage sale on 9/18/2010.  They are located at 601 N. Lamar Blvd.  Right across the street from Whole Foods.

Thanks for checking in and have a great evening,

Andy Chaudoir - Professional Inspection Services

"Your Home Inspection Connection in Central Texas"

512-632-3232 -

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Dagny Eason
Dagny's Real Estate - Wilton, CT
Fairfield County CT, CDPE Homes For Sale and Condo

I don't think I have heard of their garage sales going on around our neck of the woods....

Sep 15, 2010 04:33 PM
Richard Wilson
Cherry Creek Properties, LLC - Colorado Springs, CO
Town or Country, in Colorado, we do it all.

Never heard of it, but I'll tell my sons.  They will be all over that!

Sep 15, 2010 04:40 PM
Suzanne McLaughlin
Sabinske & Associates, Inc. (Albertville, St. Michael) - Saint Michael, MN
Sabinske & Associates, Realtor

I love REI equipment.  I will definitely be watching for sales before Christmas.  Thanks for the heads up! 

Sep 16, 2010 03:35 AM
Suzanne Strickler
Realty Mark Associates - Havertown, PA
School is never out for the Successful.

An REI across the street from the Whole Foods store...I like that neighborhood.

Sep 16, 2010 10:09 AM