Despite the mortgage meltdown in the last three weeks, I have taken this opportunity to market myself and the bank I represent as a loan officer. I figured that with First Magnus....or Great Southwest Mortgage no longer in business that had opened new doors especially with Realtors in smaller offices that directly worked with a rep from that company...or someone that does not exist anymore. As a loan officer working directly for a bank...we have the most potential to take on any new business and establish new relationships. After walking in a numerous amount of offices, I do not see anyone jumping up and down to give me the business. I realize that like anything else in's a numbers game and the more hands you shake...the greater the possibility of gaining their business.
Realtors........I want your opinion: What are you looking for in a mortgage broker?
What exactly is it that you want right away from this person? A flyer of the bank? Do you want a lead from them first before you give them the time or day? daily email marketing? five minute presentations?
In my past experiences..I found it that offering to sit at an open house for a listings works very well. I do not mind going back to that route..but am curious to know what else is out there for a broker/lender to do.
This is up for discussion and would like to get everyone's feedback.
Have a Great Week!