My achey breaky heart in Canton Ohio Real Estate
My buyer didn't have a computer and liked to drive by the homes to look at the outside first. This worked out well for both of us. More work for me, because I couldn't put her on automatic email campaign, I'm previewing all houses before I call her based on her specifications.
"Hi Buyer, I said, I've got some more houses for you to see."
"Oh Hi Deb, my buyer said, we were just having lunch to celebrate the successful home inspection. I love my new house."
I felt my head spin round like in some exorcist movie. Taking a deep breath, I said "what are you talking about. What house? Why didn't you call me?" The kick in the stomach was when she said,what ever agent sent me a house that I liked, I went with that agent. You were just one of many agents helping me. I was one of many helping her! The house she purchased was against every thing she said she wanted. It was on a busy street with no fenced private back yard in an area of town she didn't want.
I wanted to say, "whadda you mean, you wrote an offer with someone else. We have an exclusive buyer agency agreement in place. (Unfortunately it had been in place for three months and expired the day the offer went pending Hmmm!) I thought we had a relationship. We've written two offers ( that you lowballed), we talked twice a week about what she wanted. We previewed countless homes. I met her family. I thought I was her Realtor.
Where did I go wrong?