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Industry Observer

This just came in via The Oak Initiative:

Dear Bob,

     A report was submitted this week to Congress by a team that has come to be know as 'Team B II', made up of highly accomplished civilian and military national security professionals and sourced by the Center for Security Policy. Their report, Shariah: The Threat to America, was released yesterday during a press conference at the United States Capitol in Washington D.C., serving host to national and local media sources and supported by Representative Trent Franks (R-AZ), Representative, Michele Bachmann (R-MN) and Representative Pete Hoekstra (R-MI). We highly encourage you to read the report, send it to your contacts, and stay up with current events related to this topic. 
     The team includes such figures as R. James Woolsey, former Director of Central Intelligence; Lieutenant General William G. Boykin, former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence;  Lieutenant General Edward Soyster, former Director for Defense Intelligence Agency; Andrew C. McCarthy, former Assistant United States Attorney and Prosecutor of the Blind Sheikh; Joseph E. Schmitz, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense.

     That report, produced by the Center for Security Policy was entitled, 'Shariah, The Threat to America' and a copy of it can be viewed and downloaded  at www.shariahthethreat.com or on The Oak Initiative Website. The leaders of the Team B II project published an op-ed in the Washington Times two nights ago summarizing the historical significance of "Team B" as well as the new movement surfacing and beginning in America today. That article can be found at http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2010/sep/14/needed-a-second-opinion-on-shariah/. A piece of the press release can be seen at http://www.youtube.com/securefreedom.

    We would like to stress the importance of the ability of citizens to know this information. Americans need access to this report, and we need your help to provide it. We highly encourage you to study this report and use this tool to help educate those around you, especially your leaders. This information is available online to anyone. At this point, Americans must be made aware of the threat, and given practical steps toward a solution. Please push this out to all of your contacts. This is a grassroots war; a war which can only be won at the local level. We would like to keep you involved as much as possible with the national movement to protect our country.

The following is from FoxNews:
     'America is "under attack" by a non-violent "stealth jihad," a panel of national security analysts warned in a new report that claimed fundamentalists are trying to bring Islamic law known as "Shariah" to the United States.

     The report, sponsored by the Center for Security Policy and touted by a handful of conservative lawmakers on Capitol Hill Wednesday, said that the violent threat posed by Al Qaeda and other terror groups is outmatched by the threat from jihadists allegedly trying to change American society from within.'  See more 'America Exposed to 'Stealth Jihad' Threat, Security Report Warns'











In His Service,

Bill NeSmith

Office: 803-547-8217                             Fax: 803-547-8218


I just started looking over the report and it's about 156 pages of the most comprehensive analysis by some of the top defense and military minds in America. These are the people we pay to keep us safe.

Please no attack comments. This report should be read in it's entirety before any comment is made disparaging it. This is about education and being apprised of all details before jumping to conclusions. This is not a hatchet piece put together by right wing extremists. This report was put together by some of the most knowledgeable experts we have. I urge everyone:Please read the entire report. Then pray  for our leaders, our defense department, our military and the USA. Pray for guidance as to what the Lord would like you to do. This is a war NOT of flesh and blood but in the Spirit. This is extremely important, maybe the most important issue of our times.

Mike Frazier
Carousel Realty of Dyer County - Dyersburg, TN
Northwest Tennessee Realtor

Bob, I will study this and also ask my friends to also.

Sep 17, 2010 03:59 AM
Maureen Fukumoto
Help-U-Sell Realty Pro - Mililani, HI

I was unable to open the document and hope to find it elsewhere. I believe part of our problem as a nation is that we do not read and assess for ourselves but allow the media to summarize for us. This practice results in our being "spun" by the bias of whoever is presenting the news.

Sep 17, 2010 07:59 AM
A Casual Observer

The report's link does not work in the blog. However, you can read it here:


Off to read it before I comment on it. This should be fun! ;)

Sep 17, 2010 12:02 PM
Bob & Bonnie Horning
Mount Joy, PA

Thanks for your responses. I just tested the link again, and it works for me... maybe you guys need to get MACs. Thanks for the help.

Did you all try the View the report?

Also just saw an interview with a very interesting man named Joel Richardson... a man who has made a lifetime of studying Islam and Bible prophecy. He is the first I've heard proclaim the 4th last great world power will not be a new Roman Empire but an Islamic one with Turkey as the head. An interesting new take on it. Check it out...  http://www.joelstrumpet.com/

Sep 18, 2010 03:33 AM
A Casual Observer

First off, the link www.shariahthethreat.comon your blog links to an Activerain webpage that doesn't exists. It has nothing to do with running on a Mac or PC. I logged in to see if it was a Member's only blog or not and it made no difference. But no worries, a simple Google search sent me to the online PDF version.

OK, I spent a lot of time on this. First reading the entire report then researching the information. So, let's get started! ;)

Well written report (if you can get past the technical errors, such as writing the same paragraph in different sections). I learned a lot from the different associations and groups within the US.

The report was based on a similar report created by the CIA in regards to communism. This report claims that because of the original report, we were able to defeat communism and therefore they want to attempt to protect America from Islam and Sharia Law. This premise is false. Communism was not defeated by military force nor was it defeated by American policies, both foreign or domestic. Communism was defeated by an internal economic crises within the country of the Soviet Union. Something we will soon experience here in the US if we don't get our act together!

Second, for the same reason stated as to why Sharia is not constitutional, is the same reason why it won't be implemented here in the US. Would Muslims like to live within the laws of their religion? Sure, just like every other religion. Just like Christians would like to live in a country where gay marriage is not allowed, abortions are illegal, blasphemy punishable by law, sodomy and homosexuality punished, etc. The Mormons have been in Utah for over a 150 years! Is polygamy allowed in the US? In Utah? No, it isn't allowed. So what makes you think that Sharia Law, which also believes in polygamy, would be allowed in the US?

The book did cite a court case in New Jersey which caught my eye. First off, I was not aware of such a case and I am glad I was aware of it. I went to research this some more as I found it really strange that a judge did not allow a restraining order for an ex-wife who suffered abuse, especially in an age of brain rot Feminism. After reading about the case from other non-Fox websites, I learned that the case was more complex than what was reported. Here you have a woman who did not consent to sex within her marriage and filed for divorce. She was not physically abused, but it was clear that she didn't want to have sex. What made this decision complex was that both husband and wife entered into a marriage contract based on the same religious belief and their first Amendment right was in question. The belief dictated that a wife must consent to the sexual desires of her husband as it is sinful for him to get sexual gratification outside of marriage. However, the husband must not physically assault his wife while pursuing sexual gratification, which he didn't. If the judge granted the ex-wife the restraining order, then the claims of rape will be brought up on the husband. Now I agree with the appellate ruling and their opinion. Even though two people can enter a contract, the contract must be adhere to the laws of both state and federal law. Now the ex-husband is facing charges of rape and is awaiting trial (something the Judge didn't want to happen). So where was the threat of Sharia law there????

The report also takes the time to go through the different organizations, especially the Muslim brotherhood. What I found fascinating is that some of the threats that they mention, are not threats and/or have been funded, trained and equipped by America's CIA. The best example of supported would be Osama bin Laden.The best example of a non-threat would be CAIR.

Something I agreed with was that we should be vigilant to weed out terrorism. However, we should not impose on anyone's civil liberties or Freedoms in doing so.

Trust me, we Americans love our freedoms too much to be restricted by any one group. We're not going to implement anyone's religious laws, whether they be Mosaic or Sharia. We're not going to be stoning people or cutting off their hands (although I think it might be a great deterrent!). That's why I consider this report to be fear mongering at best!

Sep 19, 2010 08:07 AM
Bob & Bonnie Horning
Mount Joy, PA

I've repaired the bad link.

Mike: Thanks as usual. You are an awesome man of God.

Maureen: Thanks for the comments and thoughts, yes there is an agenda behind all media. Keep trying to remain pure. All who seek...

Satar: Thanks for the link. I won't comment further until I read the whole thing except to say this: I happen to know one of those men on the list who were behind the report. I know his reputation is absolutely without blemish. This would be considered fear-mongering if the agenda was to make people fear. The agenda is about being a watchman on the tower. The general public should hear the truth and not biased "news reports" that as stated previously are all agenda based of some kind or another. That is why this report was taken directly to our lawmakers. And I would like to point out one fly in the oinment. There are already laws on the books that many would consider unconstitutional. That hasn't been a deterent of late evidently.

Sep 20, 2010 09:27 AM
A Casual Observer

I think it took me 5-6 hours to read as I wanted to make sure I understood the logic and information. When you're done, it would be a pleasure to discuss this with you.

"This would be considered fear-mongering if the agenda was to make people fear. The agenda is about being a watchman on the tower."

Yes, but when the watchman is feeding you with false threats and information, that becomes fear mongering. It's during times of fear that we Americans lose our civil liberties and Freedoms. I think we hurt ourselves more than our enemies hurt us. The encampment of Japanese Americans and the Patriot Act are two examples of this.

"There are already laws on the books that many would consider unconstitutional. That hasn't been a deterent of late evidently."

Oh, I agree! However, we should address those individually and not state that some religion's laws are the cause. After all, I don't think Obamacare was a result of the Muslim religion.  ;)

Take care and let me know if you want to discuss this when you are done reading it.

Sep 20, 2010 05:06 PM