
Prosser Washington Balloon Rally Pictures, Pavement Painting, Balloon Sunsets & Illuminations

Real Estate Sales Representative with Kennewick Richland (and West) Pasco WA Homes For Sale

Prosser Balloon RallyIf you are looking for something to do next weekend, September 24-26, take a short drive over to Prosser for the annual Prosser Balloon Rally. This is a fun weekend beginning with balloon launches at sunrise and balloon illuminations at sunset. During the day in Prosser take a stroll through downtown and watch some of the region’s artists paint the pavement! Check out our Prosser Balloon Rally page for all the details!

As always, if needing Prosser homes, or a Prosser Realtor®, please contact us or phone us any time: 509.438.9344


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Chris and Maria Jeantet
Shasta Living Real Estate - Redding, CA
Top Realtors in Redding CA
I went to a Prosser Balloon Festival years ago. A close friend of mine flies ballons as his hobby and invited me one fourth of July, the world was so quiet from the top, it was great. This brings back memories.
Sep 20, 2010 08:23 AM
Colleen Lane
Kennewick Richland (and West) Pasco WA Homes For Sale - Kennewick, WA
Realtor(r) 509.438.9344

Thanks Chris and Maria for stopping by.  Yes, the festivities are a lot of fun.  Those pics in the blog entry are ones we took at last year's festival.  :)

Sep 20, 2010 10:14 AM