
Us Senior Citizens, Old Fogies, Geesers, etc. ARE NOT TOO OLD TO FIGHT!

Real Estate Agent with Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert DRE #SA554748000

I have just discovered a wonderful conservative blog.  Wayne Leeper has said a lot of things here that I believe to be true. I think Obama and his administration started their move to socialism too soon. There is still a generation of us who are not too old to fight.  Many of our fathers fought in WW II, but our generation were taught by our mothers and fathers the meaning of our freedom.  WE ARE NOT TOO OLD TO FIGHT (with our words, that is.)

They like to refer to us as senior citizens, old fogies, geezers, and in some cases dinosaurs. Some of us are “baby boomer” getting ready to retire. Others have been retired for some time. We walk a little slower these days and our eyes and hearing are not what they once were. We have worked hard, raised our children, worshipped our God and grown old together. Yes, we are the ones some refer to as being over the hill and that is probably true.

But before writing us off completely, there are a few things that need to be taken into consideration. In school we studied English, history, math, and science which enabled us to lead America into the technological age. Most of us remember what outhouses were, many of us with firsthand experience. We remember the days of telephone party-lines, ten cent gasoline, and milk and ice being delivered to our homes. For those of you who don’t know what an icebox is, today they are electric and referred to as refrigerators. A few even remember when cars were started with a crank. Yes, we lived those days.

We are probably considered old fashioned and out-dated by many. But there are a few things you need to remember before completely writing us off. We won World War II and fought in Korea and Viet Nam. We can quote the pledge of allegiance, and know where to place our hand while doing so. We wore the uniform of our country with pride and lost many friends on the battlefield. We didn’t fight for the Socialist States of America, we fought for the “land of the free and home of the brave.” We wore different uniforms but carried the same flag. We know the words to the Star Spangle Banner, America, and America the Beautiful by heart, and you may even see some tears running down our cheeks as we sing. We have lived what many of you have only read about in history books and we feel no obligation to apologize to anyone for America.

Yes, we are old and slow these days but rest assured, we have at least one good fight left in us. We have loved this country, fought for it, and died for it, and now we are going to save it. It is our country and nobody is going to take it away from us. We took oaths to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic, and that is an oath we plan to keep. There are those who want to destroy this land we love but, like our founders, there is no way we are going to remain silent. It was the young people of this nation who elected Obama and the Democratic congress. You fell for the “Hope and change” which in reality was nothing but “Hype and lies.” You have tasted socialism and seen evil face to face, and have found you don’t like it after all.

You make a lot of noise but most are all too interested in their careers and “Climbing the social ladder” to be involved in such mundane things as patriotism and voting. It appears that we care more about our grandchildren than some care about their children. Many of those who fell for the “great lie” in 2008 are now having buyer’s remorse. With all the education we gave you, you didn’t have sense enough to see through the lies and instead drank the kool-aid. Now you’re paying the price and complaining about it. No jobs, lost mortgages, higher taxes, and less freedom. This is what you voted for and this is what you got. We entrusted you with the Torch of Liberty and you traded it for a paycheck and a fancy house.

Well, don’t worry youngsters, the Grey Haired Brigade is here, and in two months we are going to take back our nation. We may drive a little slower than you would like but we get where we’re going, and in November we’re going to the polls by the millions. This land does not belong to the Muslim in the White House or to Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid. It belongs to We the People, and We the People plan to reclaim our land and our freedom. We hope this time you will do a better job of preserving it and passing it along to our grandchildren. So the next time you have the chance to say the Pledge of Allegiance, stand up, put your hand over your heart, honor our country, and thank God for the old geezers of the Grey-Haired Brigade.

“The silver haired head is a crown of glory, if it is found in the way of righteousness. Proverbs 16:31

Read the whole article.

I will return to Wayne Leeper's blog to see what he is saying about saving our country. His writing parallels my own thoughts and I believe his writings to be profound! I just joined this group "Real Conservatives." It looks like a great blog to me.

Wayne Leeper has another article: The Charge of the Gray Haired Brigade. Read it here.


Satar Naghshineh
Satar - Amiri Property and Financial Services Corp. - Irvine, CA

"Ron Paul is unelectable to NATIONAL office."

The only thing against him is his age. He's also been sheltered from the main stream media.

"He needs better handlers and a MUCH BETTER message."

His message is the core of the tea party movement. He's been saying the same thing for over 30 years. He's also the only one in congress who hasn't been bought. His voting record is excellent against government spending and growth.

"His denial of 911 is laughable and it will follow him for the rest of his life."

Where everyone is stating that we were attacked because of our freedom and our prosperity, he's the only one that tells the truth. We were attacked because of our foreign policy. He doesn't deny 9/11. Most of his followers do and he states that is because the government isn't forth coming to answering questions nor do the people trust the government.

"He is a bete noir and has his purpose for attracting new members to the MOVEMENT!"

His aspirations were always to wake up the American people. He's very satisfied with what has happened.


Sep 20, 2010 04:35 AM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Satar -- Ron Paul is representative of only a few peole in the TEA Party I know. The main focus of the group that I lead is to GET THE CORRUPTION OUT. That means that we vote out the RINOs who compromise at every turn and who look the other way and defend the status quo.  I think we should push to get all the new blood onto the Ethics Committee so we can impeach the crooks that remain.


Sep 20, 2010 05:19 AM
Broker Nick
South Florida Real Estate & Development, Inc. - Coconut Creek, FL
Broker Nick Relocation Broker Service

Congratulations this post is now featured in the Silent Majority Group of Active Rain.

Sep 20, 2010 03:51 PM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Thanks, Nicholas, for the encouragement.

Sep 20, 2010 04:26 PM
Satar Naghshineh
Satar - Amiri Property and Financial Services Corp. - Irvine, CA

Thanks John. I haven't attended the new Tea Party events so I wouldn't know what they're about now a days.

What do you guys think about the Patriot Act? The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Do you know what the concensus of the tea party members are in regards to those topics?

Also, why does the left call us racists? I never understood that. We were against Bush's bailouts and spending as well.

What's scary is that Bush spent more than ALL presidents before him combined. Then here comes Obama and he's out spending Bush within only 2 years!

Take care.

Sep 20, 2010 04:42 PM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

I hope someone is making plans to get the new members on the house ethics committee. We want only those with the highest ethical standards to be there. If this committee is stacked with people with integrity, we can make a real difference in getting the corruption out.

If we get the corruption out, we can fix the spending and the budget problems. The present Congress and the Obama Administration are buying votes with our tax dollars.

Sep 20, 2010 05:43 PM


Oct 15, 2010 04:52 AM


Oct 15, 2010 04:52 AM

My aunt and I are both 58 years old and we were talking just the other day about how the older people are going to be the ones to take the country back.  We're not afraid to fight and we're not afraid to die.  We'd do anything for our grandchildren and children.

Oct 15, 2010 03:16 PM
Gino DiSimone

Well, some of us are in full battle gear and fully engaged in this fight. While I fully agree with you and am in this fight, we must take responsibility for the failure of the younger generation. After all, they are our children and we must have missed the mark somewhere in their upbringing.   Thank God, my kids were on top of it, but man you pegged it correctly. The general masses bought the lie(s).   

So with what vigor will you fight this fight?  Are you in the streets? Have you donated to grass roots constitutional patriots? Are you still looking for a Party to resolve our lost values in government?  Are you running for office to restore our constitutional roots and values?  What are you doing and is it playing into the deception of the Party games?  How smart is the Gray Haired Brigade?  Did we learn our lessons of what got us here?  We bought the Bush lies, the Clintion deceptions and so on.  We did not educate ourselves and our children or we were complacent and our kids followed suit. 

We have a lot to answer for ourselves.  So lets get into our closets, ask for forgiveness, then come out fighting mad, and fully engaged.  We must dedicate our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor to each other for our America that is being torn under us.  Fight with vigor or beg for light chains of bondage.  Get united and forget the Party. They are a failure and will continue to fail. It must be solved by We The People who are beholden to The People and The Constitution AND NONE OTHER.  We either hold the whole of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution or none of it. ALL or None.  I choose ALL and will fight to the death for it.  

I will not be look back upon as being part of a generation that allowed America to fall.  I will not  be part of the shame I see coming. I will be written up in history as the rebel, the freedom fighter who refused the progressive effort of transformation.  I will be known as one who resisted the future change, who fought for the change back to our roots, who fought for the strict adherence to the Constitution in its original writ.  I will be known as a far right fundamentalists constitutional patriot and I will wear the label proudly.  What legacy will you leave behind?

Oct 16, 2010 12:00 AM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Well said Gino!  We WILL stand and fignt for our country. See our website at Our organization put on the Arizona Freedom Rally II in Prescott Valley, Saturday, 10/16/2010.  Please go there and get on our e-mail list. We could use your help as a writer.

Oct 17, 2010 09:26 AM
Gino DiSimone

Hello John,

A little late responding.  Please accept my apology.  I am finishing up my run for the governors race in Nevada.  I would be happy to participate in your work.  Contact me around mid Nov and lets get aligned. Thanks..

Gino DiSimone, Candidate, Governor of Nevada, Independent Non-Partisan, 775-544-2765,

Oct 24, 2010 07:23 PM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Now I know why this post has been seen over 4,700 times.  Thanks, Gino, for the boost!

Oct 25, 2010 05:14 AM
Dawn & Charlie Tetro
PalmerHouse Properties & Associates - Johns Creek, GA
Real Service Real Results

Great post!!  We need a lot more fighters before it is too late!  I am a boomer transplanted from NY in Georgia and you can count on me!!  Throw out all the bums!

Oct 26, 2010 01:34 PM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Our Arizona Freedom Rally in Prescott Valley (AZ) was not the booming sucess we expected, but it was a success nonetheless.  See what Stacy Stine had to say about it:

I wanted to take a minute to thank you all for your work in putting on a great event. As I was loading out Saturday night I saw a some of you and other volunteers with glum looks. Some folks expressed disappointment that the event was not as successful or as large as we had hoped. I had to contrast those looks with the people I had seen a few minutes earlier streaming past our booth as they were leaving the event. They were enthused, pumped up and excited to go and vote. They were excited about getting their friends, family and neighbors to the polls. We often measure our success against our own ideal, a daunting standard.

We may not have achieved all of our high goals but to the thousand people in the stands it was great event. I am impressed and heartened anytime I see a crowd that size in our little community. In the end our success is measured not by the number of people in a stadium but by the actions of those we educate, motivate and inspire. By that standard the Freedom Rally II will make a difference in this, the most important election of our time, and a forever change in our community.

Best wishes,

Stacy Stine

Arizona Cap Company Custom Printed & Embroidered Caps, Shirts & Durable Advertising Products

Oct 30, 2010 04:42 PM
Wayne Leeper

I am the author of "The Gray-Haired Brigade.  I never dreamed it would receive the wide acceptance that it has.  Over 25 web sites have posted the article.  It has also gone viral in the E-mail circut.  As a result I have had "Gray-Haired Brigade Tee-shirts made up.  The front says "MEMBER GRAY-HAIRED BRIGADE."  the back of the shirt reads, "DON'T MESS WITH MY GRANDCHILDREN'S FUTURE."  You can see and purchase them at:  I hope everyone will visit my web site and have a very Merry Christmas

Dec 08, 2010 01:18 PM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

I just had a visit with my youngest son and his wife at Christmas. He told me that he did not want to talk about politics as he and his wife are Democrats. That was quite a shock to me, as I thought I had educated him better than that. When I mentioned one of the most fundamental dividing points of which I felt was fundamental to our differences, he said he did not want to know about it. Basically he told me that he did not want me to discuss the facts.

Any suggestions on how to deal with this?

Dec 27, 2010 05:38 AM
Gino DiSimone

Regarding your kids, You are experiencing exactly the reason why we are in this mess.  We failed our younger generation. We let the public educational system have them, or we were bad examples, or something else influenced their clear minded wholesome thinking and now we are left with the effort of reformation. 

The best I can say to you is to communicate the very fact that being a Democrat is perfectly fine. The original democrats were noble people with a staunch adherence to the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence.  What is critical here is the fact that it is not about political party association (unless you buy the media BS). Thousands of democrats are appalled at our government spending, over-taking of private banks, insurance companies, auto companies and the like.  Democrats hate what the government is doing as much as any other party or independent.  Unfortunately, media keeps the focus on the Party thing. A HUGE distraction to the real issues. So the key is to ask if they like the idea of paying for someone else's health care? (If so, tell them to send me a check, they can pay for mine.) Ask them if they like the idea of eating GMO foods and not having the choice to eat natural food? Ask them if they like the idea of Interpol having the roaming freedom to spy, collect intel, carry guns on airplanes, and not have to answer to the FBI, CIA, local Sheriff, or any other law enforcement? (Yes, Obama wrote the executive order that allows them to roam free in our land.) Ask them if they like the idea that the government can archive their every phone call, text message, email and all other communications they have? (yes, that is going on now thanks to the Patriot Act.)  Ask them if they like the idea that the government can drive a van down their street (and is doing it!) and electronically peer into their home? How about if they like the fact that helicopters are now electronically peering into every home and can watch everything they do, including when they are having private moments of sex.  Ask them if they like the fact that government spending has increased by over 20% through Homeland security since Bush, and increased even more under Obama?  Ask them if they like the government borrowing money from private bankers and devaluing the dollar?  Ask them if they think we have the most powerful military in the world and if so why cant we win in Iraq and Afghanistan (we should be out of these wars, they are unconstitutional because only congress can declare war and only if America is under attack). The list of atrocities goes on and on.  ALL OF THE GOVERNMENT ATROCITIES ARE NON-PARTISAN. THEY ARE UTTER VIOLATIONS OF OUR CONSTITUTION.  The Constitution is an instrument to CONSTRAIN GOVERNMENT against a free people.  However the government does not abide by it, except when it is convenient for the government.

So I think the answer is to just ask them how they like the things that are happening to them and our country, and will burden their liberty, and their childrens lives? do they like that? 

I recommend generating a list of items that the government has implemented over the past years beginning with Bush Sr. and through the current administration. Just generate the list with titles and one or two (no more than two) sentences about the ramifications it has on a free people.  Then ask your son if he likes these things and if he thinks these are good and wholesome for him and his family, children and grandchildren when they come. 

Basically, it is time to fix the public education and media brainwashing.  There is no divide between Parties unless it is ABOUT the Party.  Get beyond political Party and get to the actual thing that will affect them.  It does not take long before the light bulb goes on. 

Best of luck.  -gino 

Dec 28, 2010 11:59 AM
John Mosier
Realty ONE Group Mountain Desert - Prescott, AZ
Prescott's Patriot Agent 928 533-8142

Gino DiSimone is now one of my personal heroes! In 2010 he ran as an independent for Governor of Nevada.

Jan 23, 2011 11:23 AM
Mr. Noel Corby

Noel Corby: Will be moving to AZ within the next 180 days.
I vote as an American for America!

I am 2x retired, US Army.

I do not trust Big Gov! If you want a big mess, give the task to the Feds.

I am a conservative Roman Catholic, not an American Socialist.

I will soon be a California de Mexico refugee from the Mojave Desert and San Diego CA. We can't afford California. Moving to Arizona in the next 180 days.

Retake the Republic in 2016 and keep it!!!

Thank you, God bless you!


Mar 24, 2015 09:57 AM